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Tribute Definition

The tribute could be defined as the payment that one person had to give to another as payment for their services or favors. Normally, the tribute was especially in societies where there was a marked social hierarchy that made the…

Topography Definition

Topography is a discipline that specializes in the detailed description of the surface of a terrain.. In the meantime, to do so, he deals with studying in detail the set of principles and procedures that facilitate the graphic representation of…

Animal Definition

david alerciaBachelor of Biology animalia It is characterized by being a group of multicellular and eukaryotic organisms, that is, its cells have a nucleus and organelles delimited by membranes. The simplest of all animals, marine sponges, are aggregations of poorly…

Definition of seriousness

The term seriousness has two meanings. On the one hand, it projects a responsible attitude towards something, and, on the other, a social behavior of the person linked to the expressiveness of feelings. Seriousness as an attitude of personal responsibility…

Indian Definition

India is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of both its population size (more than one billion people making it the second most populous country after China), its extensive territory and its dynamic and growing economy.…

Retirement Definition

Retirement is the stage in the life of a professional – often close to old age – in which he interrupts his professional career completely and, in most cases, begins to live on a monthly stipend known as a pension…

Definition of OCU (Spain)

In any advanced society, consumers must be correctly informed of their rights, obligations and everything that may affect them. For this to be possible, there are consumer associations and in the case of Spain the OCU is one of them.…

Definition of Maxwell’s Equations

Angel Zamora RamirezDegree in physics Maxwell’s equations are a set of mathematical expressions that manage to unify electrical and magnetic phenomena into one called “electromagnetism”. These elegant and sophisticated equations were published by the mathematician James Clerk Maxwell in 1864.…

Rook Definition

A tower is defined as any construction made artificially by humans and which is characterized by having enough height to stand out from the rest of the buildings. A tower can be located individually but it can also be part…