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Definition of Obstinate

The word obstinate is used as an adjective of a qualifying type to account for that individual who is characterized by his stubbornness, tenacity or perseverance.. Person who is characterized by perseverance, tenacity or by his foolishness and stubbornness So,…

Definition of Agricultural

The agricultural term is an adjective of a qualifying type that is commonly used to refer to all those things, activities or circumstances that have to do with the activity of cultivating and harvesting raw materials that can be later…

Mesosphere Definition

Meteorology is the science that studies the phenomena that occur in the Earth’s atmosphere. To understand these phenomena it is necessary to establish a distinction between the different parts of the atmosphere. In this way, depending on the temperature and…

Naive Definition

The word naive It is the term that we use with recurrence to account for that individual who in his behavior does not present malice, or second intentions and who also appears quite innocent in terms of carrying out some…

Astrolabe Definition

He astrolabe It is a very popular element within the field of Astronomysince he himself knew how to be, especially in remote times, a location instrument during navigation that represented the celestial sphere with its main stars and was then…

Definition of Personification

A personification can be a rhetorical figure or, on the other hand, the representation of something as if it were a person. In both meanings, the purpose is to communicate an idea based on the characteristics of the human being.…

ARPANET Definition

Alsina GonzálezSpecialist journalist and researcher Despite the fact that to the youngest it may seem that the Internet is something that has always existed, and to the elderly that it is something very recent, the correct term is -as in…

Count Definition

The term count is a verb that means to enumerate different elements in an orderly and increasing manner. It can also be used in another sense, when referring to the action of telling a story, telling a story. Counting always…