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Wicked Definition

The word iniquitous It is a term that does not have a recurring use in the current language of the Spanish language, therefore, for many it may sound strange, although, when reviewing the two references that it has, we find…

Undergraduate Definition

In the university environment there is a specific terminology to refer to the levels of academic studies. In this sense, undergraduate courses are those that provide a technical qualification to carry out a professional activity. As it indicates, these careers…

Fire Definition

A fire It’s that one major unleashing and no fire controlthat It propagates in a phenomenal way, and that is capable, as a consequence of the voracity that it presents, of destroying everything in its path, be it lives or…

Definition of Cynicism

The word cynicism we use it in our language to express a behavior that we human beings usually present and that is characterized by the lack of shame that an individual presents when lying about something, or the impudence that…

Word Processor Definition

Openoffice image. For the convenience of the user, all word processors resemble the famous Microsoft. This is especially true on windows platform.. A word processor is a computer program that does just that: process text. A process is a set…

Definition of Quality of Life

1. Set of parameters -economic, educational, health, social integration, etc.- that allow the individual to satisfactorily explore their goals and expectations, that is, to live well according to personal evaluation criteria. 2. Global index/indicator based on the measurement that brings…

Minotaur Definition

The Minotaur was one of the most important mythological figures in the Greek tradition. His description tells us that he was a being with the body of a man and the head of a bull, while his story tells us…

Specification Definition

To specify means to mention something specific, to clarify information that has been previously provided. And a specification is a detailed explanation. In this way, the concept we are analyzing implies that something general can only be accurately understood if…

Meekness Definition

The term meekness refers to the meek qualityTherefore, it is used when you want to realize that someone or something has the characteristics of meek. While, in christian religion The term meekness holds a special reference, being that it is…

Rap Definition

The word rap is a colloquial term that is used to designate that type of music generated by spoken sounds and words rather than by instrumental melodies. Rap is one of the most popular music genres, especially since the 1980s…