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Definition of Drinking Water

1. Water capable of being safely ingested, that is, it presents physical, chemical and biological standards within the limits established as acceptable for consumption. Grammatical category: masculine nounin syllables: a-gua + po-ta-ble. Drinking water Drinking water is called fresh water…

Distraction Definition

The word distraction has two meanings. It is said that there is a distraction when a person stops paying attention to an activity. It is also used in another sense, when someone is entertained by doing an activity that is…

Definition of Evoke

Evoking is a way of remembering. This verb is used in three different senses: to refer to the action of bringing to the present a memory of the past, to indicate that something reminds us of something else for some…

DIY Definition

At home there are many possible repairs that must be carried out periodically. Given this circumstance, there are two options: resort to the services of a specialized professional or repair the damage yourself. The world of DIY refers to this…

Hydrosphere Definition

Serena CuoghiTitle of Professor of Biology The set of water found on the planet is considered, in terms of geology and earth sciences, as the hydrosphere. From viruses to the largest mammals, all depend in one way or another on…

Definition of operating room

Is called operating room To that room or room found in sanatoriums, hospitals or medical care centers and that is specially equipped for the practice of surgical operations for those patients who request it. Likewise, in the operating room, other…

Omnivore Definition

The concept of omnivore we use it in our language to refer to those animals that feed on both plants and animals. That is to say, the animals that are classified as omnivores present a broader and more indistinct diet,…

Definition of Divisors

The concept of dividers corresponds to the plural of the term dividermeanwhile, a divisor in its most general use calls that which has the mission, function of dividing or separating something. Thus, a bar, a wall, or a table, can…