

Firmness Definition

The word firmness allows us to refer to stability and strength that an individual presents as a salient feature of his personality, way of being, and also to the integrity and constancy that he observes in his activities. Stability, strength,…

Video Card Definition (Graphic)

Alsina GonzálezSpecialist journalist and researcher Computers are made up of various elements: microprocessor, RAM memory, hard drive, DVD drive,… and the graphics card, which is an element that allows us to generate the images that are later displayed on the…

Rating Definition

The concept of rating has extended employment at the behest of the audiovisual media since the rating is a figure that indicates the number of people, of viewers who have a television program or a radio broadcast. So, the more…

Influx Definition

There are two very common uses of the term influx. On the one hand, to concurrence in large numbers to a place or site it is designated by this word. At the wedding of the star and the footballer there…

Relaxation Definition

The main and direct meaning of the term relaxation is the decrease or disappearance of tension. In this way, the notion of relaxation can be applied to various circumstances, elements or situations as long as that condition of disappearance of…

Definition of Wind

We use the qualifier wind to define the type of energy generated by the wind or the air masses that circulate around the planet. The word wind is a derivation of the name of the god Aeolus, the Greek god…

Definition of Empathy

Human coexistence in community allows us to develop different emotions and moods, as well as behaviors that involve us all and that make us act differently in certain situations. One of those attitudes is empathy, perhaps instinctive, but the world…

Abject Definition

The abject adjective has a clearly negative meaning, since it is equivalent to miserable, disgusting or hateful. Everything that deserves the contempt of others can be valued as something abject. From an etymological point of view, this word comes from…

Definition of Rectify

the one of rectify It is an extremely frequent action among people and that consists of the correction or modification that someone makes regarding an act, an opinion, or behavior. When someone realizes that they have taken the wrong course,…