The genetically modified food (or GMO foods) are foods produced from plants or animals whose DNA has been altered through genetic engineering. These genetically modified organisms are often called GMOs in Spanish for short.
The genetic engineering is the process of manipulating an organism’s genes directly, for example, by transplanting DNA from other organisms. It is different from the conventional method of selective breeding of plants and animals to obtain the desired traits. The genetically modified food they have been on the US market since 1994, ever since the introduction of ”Flavr Savr” tomatoes which had been designed to ripen more slowly.
There is no one type of genetically modified organism: genetic engineering is a tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. Most of the corn, wheat, and soybeans grown in the United States have been genetically modified to be resistant to herbicides so that it is easier to spray fields with herbicides. Other crops have been genetically modified to withstand pests. But genetic engineering could possibly help create crops that can survive drought or help produce food that is more nutritious.
There is a broad scientific consensus that genetically modified food that are currently on the market do not pose a greater risk to health than regular foods. Still, GM foods are controversial. Opponents argue that genetically modified crops can lead to things like increased use of chemical herbicides, or cite problems with the fact that GMOs are owned and patented by large companies. That has led to debates about whether GMOs should be labeled or strictly regulated.
There is a lot of controversy regarding transgenic foods since the long-term effect on the health of the population of the genetic engineering to which they are subjected is unknown. Transgenic foods add other elements that can be bacteria or viruses. It is not known if they cause drug resistance or if they contribute to the growth of bacteria and viruses in the body. Or even some kind of cancer.
Nearly 85% of corn in the United States is genetically modified to make the plant resistant to glyphosate, a herbicide that kills pests. Soybeans have also been genetically modified, on the one hand to resist pests and on the other to add more omega-9. The alfalfa has been genetically modified to resist the Roundup pesticide from the Monsanto company (now changed its name to Bayer since the laboratory bought the multinational in 2020) that growers spray on the entire crop. Canola is another of the transgenic crops par excellence. Birds that eat the canola kernels do not reproduce again.
He aspartame It is used to sweeten many soft drinks, flavored waters, yogurts, candies, chocolates, and more. It is also used in some medicines to cover its sour taste and sweeten it. Aspartame is made entirely from a genetically modified bacterium.
Examples of genetically modified foods
Yellow pepper
Milk (from cows that have been injected with growth hormone)