The parasitoid insects They are those that inject their larvae or eggs into the body of other insects in order for their larvae to devour it from the inside. These parasitoid insects they are usually flies or wasps. Some parasitize not only adult insects but their larvae or eggs.
He Fopius arisanus sonar is an insect that is used by entomologists to parasitize on the fruit fly that ruins fruit plantations around the world. Arisanus is an Asian parasitoid that was found in oriental fly pupae.
He Fopius ceratitivorus It is another ovopupal parasitoid, that is, it deposits its eggs inside the eggs or pupae of another insect.
Parasitoids live most of their lives “attached” to another insect or being and eventually kill their host. The braconid family, made up of more than a thousand species of tiny wasps, feeds on, breeds in, and eventually kills some very damaging caterpillar pests to agricultural crops.
The female wasp lays her eggs just under the worm’s skin. After the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the live worm. When the larvae are ready to become adults, they bite their way out of the worm and spin cocoons that protrude from its body. Once the adult wasps emerge from their cocoons, the worm dies.