Category Learning Techniques

Definition of Popular Initiative

We understand by popular initiative that instance in which the people can sovereignly present a legislative proposal that is treated in the corresponding legislative body and that can eventually become law. The notion of popular initiative is relatively recent in…

Aircraft Definition

We understand by aircraft all that element that can be transported in the air, holding onto it without maintaining any type of contact with the earth’s surface and also being able to move from one place to another, that is,…

Definition of Literary Texts

When we talk about literary texts we are not talking about scientific writings, opinion articles, etc., what we are talking about is the ability of a writer to create a story and transmit it to the readers. Literary texts start,…

Percentile Definition

The term percentile forms an integral part of the enormous number of concepts that group the mathTherefore, it turns out to be of common and frequent use within the mentioned field and in the lexicon of those who are dedicated…

Definition of Naturalization

When a person acquires a new nationality, this process receives two names: nationalization or naturalization. In order for a foreign individual to obtain the nationality of a country, it is necessary that they meet certain requirements. Not all candidates achieve…

Tab Definition

An eyelash is understood, normally in the plural “eyelashes”, that section of the body that is located at the end of the eyelid and that serves mainly to protect the eyes in certain situations. Each hair that makes up the…

Hydrography Definition

The Hydrography is a branch of Physical geography who deals with the description of the seas and water currents that exist on the planet. Discipline that studies, describes and identifies on maps the currents of water present on the earth…

Oratory Definition

When we talk about oratory we are talking about the art of the word, about how a person is capable of transmitting a message by speaking, communicating to an audience, a group of people or an individual. The key is…

Host Definition

The term host is used to refer to the presence of a person or some element in places where this presence is not common or permanent. Person who stays in a place temporarily during a trip The person who stays…