🥇 ▷ 75 Examples of ✍ 【Sentences with Common Nouns】

Next we present you examples of sentences with common nouns. Very useful to learn to identify the grammar written.

What are common nouns?

Common nouns are words that are used to name beings, things, feelings, realities or concepts in a general way.

the use of these nouns It is frequent in the writing of texts and in the language that we use in daily life.

Are examples of common nouns: book, happiness, tree, grove, table, luminosity, tenth, triple, among others.

There are different types of nouns and each one has its own characteristics. The characteristics of proper nouns are the following:

They are always written with lower case.They have masculine or feminine gender. It can be singular or plural.They can be modified by an adjective.

Types of common nouns:

to. concrete nouns

They name beings or objects that can be perceived with the senses, for example: sofa, table, bed.

b. abstract nouns

They name something that cannot be perceived by the senses, for example: joy, peace, feeling.

c. individual nouns

In the singular they name a single being or object, for example: teacher, garden, flower.

d. Collective nouns

In the singular they name a group of beings or objects, for example: guild, flock, herd.

and. Countable nouns

They name beings or objects that can be numbered, for example: clock, person, coin.

F. Non-countable nouns

They name entities that can be measured or quantified, but not numbered, for example: sand, gas, sugar.

Examples of sentences with common nouns

Nails clouds They decorated the sky. A journalist attended the headquarters of the institute. I would never study to be astronaut. The advance of the science has created many problems. The chicks They run at high speed in the yard. A good father supports his entire family. The English They have a very interesting literature. The word of God is wonderful. faith moves mountains. my food grandfather they are my favourites. The tomatoes of that estate they’re delicious. None of them won competence. The treason it’s a hateful thing. The shirt It has a variety of colors. The meal that my neighbors prepared. The vehicles they rotate constantly. The beings Humans are smart. The movies of mystery they are my favourites. They are addicted to series. A lot people asked the same thing. The films science fiction are boring. He young he wants a new house. The strong storm last night wet all my clothes. the house of bees. The tide was strong yesterday afternoon.

Other examples of common nouns

All the children they played yesterday. she said the TRUE. The unicorn was from cotton. Finland is a country cold. there were many noises. The happiness it is something wonderful. looked at us with contempt. The table it was served. we don’t understand your attitude. A flock flew over the place. I love to visit forests. The vanilla cake is prepared by the baker. The doctor attended the last patient. The grandmother He remembered the days of his youth. The dog and the expense are good friends. He Supermarket is near. The earth groans for the manifestation of the children of God. They are good news For your customers. The thermotherapy It is a therapeutic alternative. I will travel to Ireland next week. The movies recorded in countries cold are visually beautiful. The boys They did their training in the square. The actors they ran around the whole theater. God straightens the Steps of man. She is my best friend.

Sentences with common names in Spanish

The children they were in the house. The floors they were totally destroyed. put your trust in God is something wonderful. The French eat a lot cookies. The activities they are very tedious. I didn’t understand the chords music. Tomorrow the essays of praise and adoration. The small baby he was very playful. Jesus Christ said that if you believe you will see the glory of God. Those attending the Zoo they are very happy. all three are excellent students. The grammar it becomes difficult for some people. Linguistic rules are important in any language. I need to buy a book physiology. Physiotherapy is a profession beautiful. no doubt you mother I would say something like that. We will go for a walk at Beaches from Mexico. Rahab helped the spies. They are the protagonists of history. “Gloomy Garden” is one of his novels favourites. On dark nights we looked at the stars. felt emotion listening to their fantastic stories. The wishes of the flesh are against the spirit. I surprised her with many roses red.