Questions about Latin American Literature

1. The Nobel Prize for Literature in 1945, the first in the history of Latin America, was awarded to:
C) Gabriel García Márquez
D) Miguel Ángel Asturias
Gabriela Mistral is the first Latin American writer to receive the highest literary award: the Nobel Prize in Literature.
2. To which writer do the books of poems Tala and Desolación belong?
Tala and Desolación are works belonging to the poet Gabriela Mistral.
3. What is the real name of the poet Gabriela Mistral?
Lucía Godoy is the real name of Gabriela Mistral.
4. Identify the work that does not belong to Pablo Neruda:
A) Residence on earth
C) Twenty love poems and a song of despair
Freedom under parole is a book of poems belonging to Octavio Paz.
5. Pablo Neruda’s memoir is titled:
B) Twenty love poems and…
C) Residence on land
E) I confess that I have lived
I confess that I have lived is one of the memoirs of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.


6. About Pablo Neruda we can affirm that:
A) stood out in the narrative genre.
B) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.
C) he was administrator of Augusto Pinochet.
D) Alma América is his masterpiece.
E) He belongs to the Generation of 70.
Pablo Neruda won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.
7. What is the real name of the Chilean avant-garde poet Pablo Neruda?
A) Félix Rubén García Sarmiento
B) Neftalí Reyes Basoalto
D) Alfredo Quíspez Asín
Pablo Neruda’s real name is Neftalí Reyes Basoalto.
8. It is a book of poems and memoirs by Pablo Neruda respectively:
A) Twenty love poems – Crepusculario
B) Residence on earth – Twilight
C) General Song- I confess that I have lived
D) Elemental odes- The captain’s verses
E) Blue – Live to tell the tale
Canto General is a book of poems by Pablo Neruda and I confess that I have lived is a book of memoirs by the same author.
9. I like you when you are silent because you are as if absent / and you hear me from afar and my voice does not touch you. The previous fragment belongs to the poet:
The previous fragment belongs to poem 15 by Pablo Neruda.
10. Check the alternative that contains an essay work by Octavio Paz.
E) Heights of Machu Picchu
Octavio Paz, poet and essayist, has The Double Flame among his books of literary philosophical analysis.
11. What is the fundamental theme of Octavio Paz’s work The Double Flame?
E) Predestination and obscurantism
In the essay The Double Flame by the Mexican writer Octavio Paz, the theme revolves around the concepts of love and eroticism.
12. Who is the last Hispanic American winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature?
C) Gabriel García Márquez
D) Miguel Ángel Asturias
Octavio Paz won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1990.
13. What author does not belong to the peak period, better known as the Latin American “Boom” era?
Rómulo Gallegos, Venezuelan narrator and author of Doña Bárbara belongs to Regionalism.
14. García Márquez’s novel One Hundred Years of Solitude begins when:
A) Amaranta Úrsula begins to remember the origins of Macondo.
B) José Arcadio Buendía and Úrsula Iguarán, cousins, flee from Riohacha.
C) José Arcadio was born three days before the founding of Macondo.
D) Úrsula Iguarán convinces José Arcadio Buendía to kill Prudencio Aguilar.
E) Colonel Aureliano Buendía is about to be shot and begins to remember the origins of Macondo.
The beginning of this magical realism novel occurs when Aureliano Buendía is about to be shot and remembers the origins of the mythical city of Macondo.
15. What is the curse that falls on the founders of Macondo?
A) The son who is born would marry his mother and kill his father.
B) The firstborn will destroy all humanity.
C) Children would eat their parents.
D) The first child would be born with a pig’s tail.
E) The first son would castrate the father and the second would drown the mother.
The curse that weighs on the founders of Macondo José Arcadio Buendía and Úrsula Iguarán is that the first child they have will be born with a pig’s tail.
16. What is the latest novel by Mario Vargas Llosa?
B) Paradise in the other corner
D) The pranks of a bad girl.
E) Between loneliness and love.
The last work that Mario Vargas Llosa wrote is The Mischief of a Bad Girl.
17. What is the ending of the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude by the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez?
A) The town of Macondo suffers a civil war.
B) Melquíades dies and is held to a tree with thorns.
C) A child with a pig’s tail is born and Macondo disappears from the face of the earth.
D) The last of the Aurelianos kills his father.
E) Colonel Aureliano Buendía takes over the entire town.
At the end of the novel Aureliano Babilonia and Amaranta Úrsula have a son who is born with a pig’s tail, he is carried away by the ants and Macondo disappears.
18. Representative of the “Boom” who had a controversial discussion with the Peruvian writer José María Arguedas:
Julio Cortázar had an ideological discussion about Indigenism with the Peruvian writer José María Arguedas.
19. The author of the Bestiary storybook is:
Among Julio Cortázar’s narrative works, the novel Hopscotch and the short story book Bestiario stand out.
20. What is the main setting of the novel Pedro Páramo by Mexican Juan Rulfo?
Pedro Páramo’s main setting is a ghost town: Comala.