Photon Definition

In the Physical he Photon is that one particle of light propagating in a vacuum. The photon is the particle responsible for the quantum manifestations of the electromagnetic phenomenon, because it is the carrier of all those forms of electromagnetic radiation, among which are included the gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet light, infrared light, radio waves, microwavesamong other.

By presenting an invariant mass, the photon travels through a vacuum at a constant speed, while, by presenting corpuscular and wave properties, the photon will behave like a wave in phenomena such as the refraction of a lens and at the same time like a particle. , when it interacts with matter to transfer a fixed amount of energy.

Originally to the photon, Albert Einstein called him how much light, although, later it would be given the current name of photon, which derives from a Greek word that precisely means light. The change occurred in the year 1926 and the physicist Gilbert Lewis he was responsible.

In the context of physics, to symbolize the photon, the term greek letter gamma and; most likely the use of this letter has to do with the fact that it comes from gamma rays.
On the other hand, at the behest of chemistry and optical engineering, photons are symbolized by the following symbol: hvwhich in turn represents the energy associated with a photon.

Among its main characteristics or physical properties are: that it has no mass or electrical charge and that it does not disintegrate spontaneously in a vacuum.

Photons are emitted in many natural processes such as, for example, when an electrically charged particle is accelerated during a molecular transition, or when a particle is annihilated with its antiparticle.
