Definition of Social Exclusion

1. Social exclusion is the separation of the members of a particular group from society marked by multiple aspects: work, economic position, level of education, social identity, state of health, etc., and structured in such a way as to hinder…

Scholarship Definition

A Scholarship is the economic aid or grant that an institution, a company or an individual, among others, generally gives to someone to carry out studies, be it primary, secondary, university, postgraduate, or research.. Economic assistance that a company, entity…

Capture Definition

Capture is the arrest or arrest of someone or something that normally resists arrest.. Arrest of someone who committed an offense The word turns out to be very common use by the security forces of a Nation and also by…

Registry Definition

A computer record is a type or set of data stored in a system. For computing, there are different types of records, but in all cases there is a reference to the concept of storing data or information about the…

Definition of Absence

Depending on the context in which the term is used absence we will find different references. Departure, separation, lack of something or someone The most recurrent use of the term absence occurs at the request of wanting to refer to…

Definition of Metropolis

The concept that concerns us in this review is used in our language with three senses, to designate that main, most important city of a country, relevance that will be given by its extension or by the importance that per…

Hardware Definition

Literally, “hardware” would mean “hard goods.” With this concept we try designate all tangible components in an electronic systemthat is, what we can play: keyboard, mouse, monitor, chips, boards, printers, etc. An analogy could be made with the human being…

Meteorologist Definition

A meteorologist is he specialist or student of meteorology. Meanwhile, the meteorology It is that discipline that deals with the study of weather, the atmospheric environment, the phenomena that take place there and of course the laws under which they…

Paternity Definition

the figure of the mother It is key for any child because the strength that exists in the bond between mother and child is evidently reflected in the umbilical cord. A mother has experiences that a father does not experience,…