Definition of Metropolis

The concept that concerns us in this review is used in our language with three senses, to designate that main, most important city of a country, relevance that will be given by its extension or by the importance that per se represents in political, economic matters. , For example. And also the concept is used to name a state with respect to the colonies that depend on it, and the last sense of the word is used in the religious sphere to name that archiepiscopal church on which certain dioceses will depend.

Main city of a country due to its extension or due to its political and economic importance

Meanwhile, without a doubt, the most widespread use that we give to this word is the one that calls the largest city of a given country, in which its culture and economy will be concentrated as well as the center of its international connections, that is, through it and thanks to its ports and airports one can go abroad or receive any shipment from anywhere in the world. And why not? It is also usually the seat of political power and in which the most relevant decisions related to the political and economic life of the country to which it belongs are made.

All the most important issues in the country pass through them: politics, economics, culture, art, sports

In Latin America there are many metropolises that stand out, Buenos Aires in Argentina, Santiago in Chile, Asunción in Paraguay and San Pablo in Brazil, among others and if we travel to Europe we find London in England, Madrid in Spain, Paris in France , among other. The common characteristic of all these very important cities is that all the most important issues in political, economic, cultural, artistic, and sports matters pass through them. In other words, political power always acts from the metropolis, the economic activity of the metropolis is usually the most relevant in the nation, and almost all artistic and cultural events of interest usually first pass through the metropolis and then appear in the rest of the country. .

Reference both for locals and for foreigners

In all countries, there will always be a city that stands as the most important and outstanding compared to the rest and as a consequence acts as a reference both for people who live in the country and for foreigners. For the inhabitants of the same nation, the metropolis is the city to which they have to travel, if they live in the interior or in nearby towns, to do some special procedure, or study at the national faculty, because in the metropolis there are normally the headquarters of this.

Rivalries between the metropolis and the rest of the cities

Many times this differentiation that is observed and made in effect, between metropolises with respect to smaller cities of the same nation, inevitably generates resentments and rivalries. Thus, those who live in the metropolis tend to despise those who come from the interior of the country, and meanwhile, the latter tend to show resentment for this treatment and then they also “fight” the native of the metropolis in their own way.

Other uses

While, In ancient Greece, if a city had colonies within its political organization, this city was called a colonial metropolis. and by extension is that this word is also applied to define and refer to the European colonial powers.

Likewise, the term metropolis is often used to refer to the metropolitan area of ​​a Nationmade up of all those adjacent and interconnected localities that work together.
