Latest updates (218) – Meanings

What is a scale

The balance is the measuring instrument used to determine the masses of objects. Scales work because they compare the masses of a known standard and the object to be measured. The most…


A polygon is a closed, flat geometric figure that is made up of several joined straight segments, also called sides. The points where each of the segments or sides begin and end are…


A language is a system of verbal and written communication, endowed with conventions and grammatical rules, used by human communities for communicative purposes. Usually, it is based on sound symbols,…

Meaning of Endorsement

An endorsement is known as the signature of a skilled or authorized person who grants validity to the document. Also, endorsement is the testimony that confirms that something or someone has been endorsed. In the area…

What is a Search Engine?

Search engine, also known as a search engine, is a type of software that organizes data indexes based on the keywords used by the user. The user enters certain keywords, the…

Meaning of Aboriginal

Aboriginal refers to any being that is native to the place where it lives, regardless of whether it is human, animal or plant. The word, as such, is the singular formed from the Latin plural…

Meaning of Aesthetics

Aesthetics is the discipline that studies the nature of beauty and the perception of it by individuals, which is why it is closely related to art. It is the branch of philosophy that…

Meaning of Aquarius

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac that rules people born between January 21 and February 19. Aquarius is a zodiacal constellation located between Capricorn and Pisces. The aquarius sign…

Meaning of Chilango

Chilango is a very common expression in Mexican speech to refer to someone who is a native or native of Mexico City. Likewise, it is used to designate what belongs to or is related to the Mexican capital…


Knowledge is the action and effect of knowing, that is, of acquiring valuable information to understand reality through reason, understanding and intelligence. It refers, then, to what…


As an agnostic we define what belongs to or relates to agnosticism, that is, the philosophical attitude according to which all knowledge about the divine or about that which transcends our earthly experience is…

Meaning of Theatrical script

A theatrical script is the text that presents all the literary and technical content necessary for the assembly and production of a play. As such, the script is the format under which…

Meaning of Iberoamerica

Ibero-America is the name given to the region of America made up of a group of countries that have in common having been colonies of Spain and Portugal in the past. The word is made up of…

Meaning of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is made up of the set of words that make up a language. In this sense, a vocabulary is synonymous with a lexicon to the extent that this is the set of lexical units that make up…


A verse is a set of words subject to a meter, a rhythm and a rhyme, which provide cadence to a poetic composition. Verse is the name given to each of the sentences that make up a…