Definition of Retaliation

The word reprisal we use it in our language with two senses, on the one hand, When an individual causes an offense, a grievance to another, as revenge for some situation or negative fact in which he was involved, or simply does it for the personal satisfaction that bothering a certain person gives him, that will be considered as a reprisal.

Cause another wrong in revenge for a previously received harm

For having yelled at the teacher excessively, Juan received a reprisal from her that left him without recess.”

International relations: economic or political sanction that one country applies to another as a consequence of a mistreatment or attack

And on the other hand, the word retaliation is habitually used at the request of the international relations between countries to designate that measure loaded with severity that a state assumes against a peer, as a consequence and in response to mistreatment or unfavorable treatment that it has received in a timely manner from the latter.

In retaliation for not having complied with the payment of some bonds, the North American justice system retains the Argentine vessel popularly known as the Fragata Libertad..”

Retaliation will always constitute a response of the sanction type, that is, the measure that someone decides to adopt as a result of feeling attacked or wronged by another, generally without a cause mediating, then, that retaliation that develops and that can imply various actions, Its objective is to satisfy the desire to punish or take revenge, responding with some action similar to the one received.

On the other hand, with respect to international law, if a state receives harmful treatment from another, it can retaliate, such action being absolutely legitimate, for example, applying economic or political sanctions.

International organizations are also trained in this sense, and then an exemplary measure will be authorized against the state that has acted in harm to another, especially if it is in a situation of harmony and coexistence.

There are various kinds of reprisals that are usually taken at the international level, such is the case of: rupture of diplomatic relations between the countries in conflict, economic or commercial embargo, among others.

One of the most emblematic cases of trade embargo is the one imposed by the United States on the island of Cuba after the Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro, which among other measures expropriated property from North American citizens.

At present, in Latin America, there is a case that is highly regarded in these times, the crisis that Venezuela is experiencing as a consequence of the government’s repression of the opposition, and the decision of its president Nicolás Maduro to convene a Constituent Assembly, which assumes legislature and dissolve parliament.

With the mission of reversing this situation and stopping the advance against democracy in Venezuela, the neighboring countries withdrew their support and took some diplomatic measures in retaliation for those acts.

Undoubtedly, if we review the synonyms that this term admits, we find one that has a hyper-popular use in our language, the one with revenge.

Revenge is precisely the response loaded with offense and damage that will be given to someone in return for an aggression or a bad action suffered in a timely manner.

Also, as with retaliation, revenge does not present a mission to repair the damage, far from it, but what both actions pursue is to achieve disturb and attack the other who at the time attacked us or seriously bothered us with their actions.

And also in both acts, retaliation and revenge, whoever perpetrates them, presents a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction when carrying out the act, because really the anger towards the other is immense and one enjoys hurting him.

For example, the idea is that whoever corresponds suffers in the same way that we suffer for what he did to us, what he took from us, among other alternatives.

Use in Roman law

The idea of ​​retaliation, of doing harm, or paying the same coin to the one who has harmed us is not something of today, but rather a concept that goes back many centuries, more precisely in the Roman Empire.

Because at the request of Roman Law, retaliation turned out to be a right held by the person affected by the violation of some right by a third party, to obtain as a guarantee of compensation, something that belongs to him.

Meanwhile, the term that is opposed to retaliation is that of sorry.

The action of forgiveness will imply that someone forgives another for the offense or mistreatment that they have been subjected to at a certain time.
