Definition of loin

the loin It’s one of the most popular cuts of meatwhich corresponds to the dorsal region of the animal, cow, pigamong the most required by the meat consumer, and is found at the sides of the spine, more precisely between the last rib and the ilium and has a muscle or a series of muscles. One of the main reasons why the loin is one of the most consumed cuts is the softness that presentsthat is, it is not a hard cut.

It should be noted that in the meat industry, a cut of meat implies the cutting of an animal, already dead, with the mission of using its meat for food consumption. However, the designation of the cut will depend on the country in which it is made, since the cuts do not turn out to be the same in all parts of the world and depend a lot on the eating habits that prevail in each nation.

On the other hand, we also use the word loin in our language to refer to that anatomical part of a quadruped animal that is located from its neck to its haunch.

Also, we use the word loin to name the part of the human body found in the lower middle of the back.
And in colloquial language it is common for us to use the word to designate the good body that a man or a woman has. Your cousin has an incredible loin, all the women die for him.

Another widespread use of the word is to name the part of the book opposite to the cut of the leaves. It is precisely on the spine of the book in which the basic data of a literary work or text are recorded, such as: its title, author, volume number, in those cases that it is a book that corresponds to or integrates a collection, and the logo of the publishing house that publishes it.

On the other hand, at part that opposes the edge of cutting utensils it is also called loin.

and generally to protruding part of anything it is called loin.
