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Vampires have been part of European legends since ancient times, having their origin in people’s fear of darkness, illness or death. According to folklore, they are human beings who after death become predators who need the blood of others to…

Giraffe Curiosity Game

Giraffes are large mammals that live throughout the African continent. Its natural habitats are extensive plains, forests and savannahs. Giraffes have a stylized and very unique body thanks to their four large legs and a very long neck. They measure…

▷ Words with zu

The union of the consonant Z with the vowel OR the syllable turns out ZUrelatively frequently used in Spanish. What follows are some examples of words with ZU applied in phrases, which may be useful to you. Words that start…

⊛ Avimimus

What is an Avimimus? Avimimus was an oviraptosaurus theropod dinosaur that lived in Asia about 70 million years ago.. It had marked characteristics that relate it to the birds we know today. It is known to have lived at the…