Giraffe Curiosity Game

Giraffes are large mammals that live throughout the African continent. Its natural habitats are extensive plains, forests and savannahs.

Giraffes have a stylized and very unique body thanks to their four large legs and a very long neck. They measure up to six meters, so they can boast, without fear of being wrong, of being the tallest animals on the planet.

Two small horns covered in hair called ossicones stand out on their head, and on each side of their friendly face, two enormous bulging eyes that allow them a panoramic view of their surroundings.

Another of their peculiarities is that they have a beautiful cream-colored coat dotted with spots in different shades of brown. This fur has a fundamentally practical function: it helps them camouflage themselves to mislead possible enemies. Furthermore, to reinforce your own safety, this curious “coat” has a characteristic natural smell that scares away parasites.

You will never see a giraffe feed on meat or fish. It is a herbivorous animal that, as you may have seen in the zoo or in a documentary, spends most of its time eating. Have you ever wondered why? Well, it’s easy to deduce: it is so big that to survive it needs to eat at least fifteen kilos of food a day.

Because it is so tall, it can easily reach the fruits of the treetops that other animals cannot access even in their wildest dreams. She deftly catches them with the help of her large, strong and prehensile tongue; The latter means that he can twist it at will to grab tree branches and even tear them off. The inside of his mouth is so hard and resistant that he can even bite branches covered in thorns without hurting himself!

The giraffe is a ruminant because it chews its food, swallows it, digests it a little, and puts it back in its mouth to continue chewing it. As for her favorite daily menu, there is no doubt: she loves acacia leaves, and since she is a glutton, she eats them non-stop. On the contrary, you don’t need to drink a lot of water and sleeping a couple of hours a day is enough.

Regarding character, it must be said that, although sometimes the males fight among themselves, the giraffe is an animal with a calm character that lives an average of twenty-five years peacefully with its conspecifics.

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