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gas definition

Candela Rocío BarbisanChemical engineer It is a state of aggregation of matter in which the molecules are dispersed occupying the entire volume of the container that contains it, therefore, it does not have its own shape, a gas adapts the…

Dendrology Definition

The term dendrology is made up of the Greek word dendrón, which is equivalent to tree in Greek, and the word logy, which means science or knowledge. It is an integrated discipline within botany. It focuses on the identification of…

Definition of Community Nursing

1. Public health area dedicated to the care of the resident population in a specific community by a professional nursing group that will work on local needs to implement health promotion, prevention and care strategies that positively impact individual patients…

Economics Definition

1. Science that projects and applies measures, formulas and statistics based on experiences and scientific verifications for industrial operation, exploitation of resources, competitiveness of the local currency, distribution of wealth, and international market. 2. Manage assets, and preserve labor, operational…

Itinerant Definition

The itinerant adjective is used to indicate that something or someone moves regularly. This word comes from Latin and literally means “going from one place to another.” In Spanish there are several synonyms that we can use: nomad, itinerant, wandering…

Definition of nature reserve

Area within a territory that is protected because it has immeasurable importance for the maintenance and development of the flora, fauna and wildlife of the place A Natural Reserve, also designated as an Ecological Reserve, is that area within a…

Diversity Definition

1. Characteristics manifested through the contrast of the actors, who are recognized and grouped in some way. 2. Biology. Set of species of the animal, plant, fungi, protest and/or monera kingdom, present in the same space, be it a region,…

Definition of Social Integration

The human being lives in society, is part of a system. Said social integration enhances personal self-esteem and increases the individual well-being of those who interact with others. However, there are situations in which people may be at risk of…

Definition of Anachronistic

The term anachronistic is used as a qualifying adjective to designate things, elements or people that act in a timeless way, that is, that are not consistent with the time and space in which they exist and that refer above…

Cerberus Definition

Cerberus, sometimes known as Cerberus, was a monstrous-looking dog with three heads and a serpentine tail. In Greek mythology, this ferocious-looking creature fulfilled a very specific function: to protect the gates of the underworld or kingdom of Hades. In this…