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Definition of Classes

The term classes is the plural of class and according to the context in which it is used, it refers to various issues. In Biology, a class refers to a taxonomic group that includes several orders of plants or animals…

Volatile Definition

Volatile is understood to be those elements that, due to their physical characteristics, have the facility to fly or disperse in the air. Normally, the term is used a lot in questions or phenomena that have to do with physics…

Fordism Definition

1. Fordism, named as such in reference to the surname of its creator Henry Ford, is a semi-automatic large-scale production model designed to improve productivity at lower costs. Etymology: Constituted from its highest manager, Ford, by the American businessman Henry…

Inventory Definition

1. The inventory is a complete and detailed list of the goods in the possession of a person or company at the time of collection. 2. Document containing a list of specifications of a material (products, goods) or immaterial (risks,…

Definition of Correct

A behaviour, a response and a mathematical formulation have something in common: they can be correct or incorrect. For something to be valued as correct, it is necessary that some reason has been previously established to consider it as such.…

Definition of Transcendence

Human beings ask themselves questions that show their openness to transcendence. For example, the search for a meaning in life, the question about the existence of God, the search for the origin of the universe… are questions that connect the…

Castrati definition

the one of castrati or castrato is a term that refers to those singers who, when they were children and demonstrated qualities for singing, were subjected to testicular castration in order to preserve their high pitched voice, typical of the…

Laminate Flooring Definition

For floor covering there is a wide range of options and one of them is laminate flooring. It is a synthetic material that imitates wood and has several layers in its composition (a protective layer, a design layer, a central…

Trailer Definition

Indira Ahmed FernandezBachelor of Hispanic Letters A trailer is a summarized production of a film according to its promotion and dissemination in society, considered an advertising genre, and whose conception extends to other areas, such as the video game industry.…