Mitosis: What it is, Concept, Definition and Characteristics

What is mitosis

In biology, mitosis is known as the cell division process by which 2 identical daughter cells are generated from 1 mother cell, prior duplication and equitable distribution of the genetic material.

Features of mitosis

Mitosis is characterized by being the process of duplication and equal distribution of the genetic information contained in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in each of the daughter cells as a result of cell division.

In eukaryotic cells, mitosis begins with the duplication of the material contained in the nucleus.

Mitosis, as such, is the foundation of growth, development and the organism’s ability to regenerate. It is essential for asexual reproduction, meaning that the new cells it produces have identical genetic material.

Mitosis in the cell cycle

Mitosis is part of the cell cycle, the latter being the continuous and fundamental life cycle for the asexual reproduction of all the cells that make up an organism. This cell cycle is made up of two stages:

the interfacewhich is the moment during which the duplication of the genetic material occurs, and the M phase or mitotic phase: it is subdivided into 2 major processes known as mitosis, equal distribution of the duplicated genetic material in the interphase, and cytokinesis, division of the cytoplasm.

Phases of mitosis

Mitosis, for its part, is in turn subdivided into four phases or stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Namely:

Prophase: the condensation of the genetic material occurs, which will acquire a specific shape known as a chromosome. Additionally, the mitotic spindle begins to form.
Metaphase: The fibers of the mitotic spindle arrange the chromosomes along the cell’s nuclear medium, which helps prepare the ground for the next phase, when the chromosomes separate.
Anaphase: the distribution of the two copies of the original genetic information occurs. Pairs of chromosomes separate and move to opposite sides of the cell.
Telophase: Both chromosomes reach opposite poles of the cell, and new membranes form around their nuclei.

See also Chromosome.

Next, the cytokinesis, which is not, strictly speaking, part of the mitosis process. Cytokinesis overlaps with the final stages of mitosis (anaphase or telophase) and ends after telophase.

In cytokinesis, the cytoplasm divides to form two daughter cells that will have a complete copy of the genome of the mother cell.

See also:

Mitosis and meiosis

Mitosis and meiosis are two different forms of cell division. Mitosis is the asexual division of diploid (2n) cells, through which two new cells with identical genetic material are produced.

Meiosis is a cell division process where haploid cells (1n) or also known as male and female gametes are produced. This means that to form a complete diploid set, that is, a homologous pair, it is necessary to combine a male gamete, such as the sperm, with a female gamete, such as the egg.

Combined with fertilization, meiosis is the basis of sexual reproduction and genetic variability.

The importance of meiosis lies in the fact that it is responsible for genetic variability and, consequently, for the ability of species to evolve.

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