Working at Burger King: everything you need to know

Burger King generates around 💰23,000 million dollars annually in sales (Statista). It is one of the richest fast food franchises in the world and with a large number of establishments on all continents. And if you have tried the menu, you will remember that they offer hamburgers, potatoes, salads, breakfasts, desserts and various garnishes.

Just as there are different dishes to taste in their restaurants, there are also different jobs that can be useful to you. Next, we will explain what you must do to apply and what are the benefits and drawbacks of the company.

Employment Statistics at Burger King

Burger King has almost 19,000 restaurants distributed throughout the world. Consequently, thousands of workers are needed to be able to serve all of its customers. As if that were not enough, it is a franchise that plans to continue growing even more over time.

According to El País, there are currently some 850 stores in Spain, but the President of Burger King wants to expand the company. He mentions that the goal is to reach at least 1000 establishments of fast food.

As you should imagine, new job vacancies will open up, and that is where you become a good candidate.

And how much do they pay at Burger King?

Despite the company’s million-dollar sales, the truth is that its workers do not receive as large a remuneration as expected. Even so, it becomes a very good opportunity for young people without experience they’re just about to take their first job. The Indeed job portal indicates that the company’s average salary is 💰783 euros per month for delivery people.

On the other hand, cooks earn a little more, around 💰1120 euros per month, which is already a slightly more attractive figure. It is true that it barely exceeds the monthly minimum wage, but it is still a higher pay than many other companies.

Obviously, more prestigious positions, such as manager, manager or sales manager, receive better pay.

And why work at Burger King in the first place?

It is not a secret that Burger King is one of the first options when applying for a first job. It is true that you cannot aspire to large sums of money in the company, but you will enjoy some advantages.

Some of the most important are the following:

You don’t need experience. It does not matter your professional trajectory, not even your academic training. Having completed your basic and compulsory studies is more than enough.
Flexible schedules. You will not spend many hours inside the restaurant, so you can complement the work with other activities. It’s an ideal part-time job for college students.
They teach you important qualities. Staff is prepared to train new workers. It fosters a sense of urgency, leadership and responsibility.
It’s a simple job. You don’t need many skills or competencies to perform well in the restaurant.

Important points to consider

Evidently, Burger King is not a perfect company, and it may have some drawbacks. Among the factors that could affect you are the following:

There is a lot of competition. It is a job that is very tiring. The salary is not very high.

It is important to evaluate all aspects to determine if working at Burger King is worth it.

How to work at Burger King?

He Burger King recruitment process it is extremely simple. There are two modalities, and the first one is to apply through its website. The official website of the company has a section for candidates to apply, which we will talk about later.

On the other hand, you can resort to conventional means and Introduce yourself at the offices of a nearby company to your town. Ask for the manager, mention that you want to work in the restaurant and bring your updated resume.

What types of work are there in this company?

There are different positions within the restaurant, and for each one a different profile is required. The good thing is that for none of them it is necessary to be an expert with years of experience.

These are the jobs with the most demand: 👇

Customer Support. It involves carrying and collecting dishes, answering diners’ questions, and being helpful to all visitors. It can also cover cleaning and maintenance tasks.
Dependent. He is the one who manages the collection box and is in charge of making, processing and verifying the orders. He plays a very important role for customer satisfaction.
Delivery man. He takes care of taking home orders. In case of being free, they are assigned tasks related to the previous positions.
Chef. Normally there is not a single chef, but a group of people who work together. The advantage is that the recipes are already ready to follow, so there are not many complications.

What are the requirements to work at Burger King?

Burger King is one of the restaurants that asks for fewer requirements. It is one of the largest fast food chains in the world, but rather than looking for highly trained professionals, it focuses on get helpful employees.

The requirements and the profile to be fulfilled are the following:

Be of legal age Live in the province of the open vacancy Be able to work in a team Have a pleasant relationship with the client

As you can see, anyone with a minimum of customer service knowledge and good qualities becomes an excellent candidate. Burger King opens the doors to numerous applicants, no matter your background or education.

⚠️Attention: If you do not have Spanish nationality, you must present a certificate of residence and a work permit.

How to Submit Resume to Burger King

As we already indicated, the conventional method consists of going to their physical offices and presenting your candidacy. However, currently you can do the procedure from the internet, without the need to leave your home. You just have to follow these steps: 👇

Access the official page of Burger King Spain Locate the drop-down menu Burger King at the top of the screen Select the option Contacts
Fill in the form with which you can communicate with the company team Choose the department of Customer Support
Choose between the categories office employment either restaurant employment
Attach your curriculum vitae in the corresponding box Indicate the province in which you wish to work Accept the conditions Click on submit the form

After applying these steps, all that remains is to wait for the human resources department to contact you.

🎁additional tip: It is best to attach the CV in PDF format. It is the appropriate extension to send the CV online to companies, since it is incorruptible and unalterable.

And what about the benefits of working at Burger King?

Apart from the advantages that you will obtain as a professional, you will also enjoy multiple employment benefits by working in this hamburger restaurant. These are some of the most important:👍

Food discount Vocational training Health insurance Retirement plans Dental coverage Paid vacations

In the same sense, it is possible to benefit from promotions, in case you become a worker committed to the company. Over time you can aspire to an administrative job with a better salary.

Additional tips for your candidacy

As you have seen, working at Burger King is not very challenging as it is one of the easiest jobs to get and run. Anyway, if you want to maximize your chances of getting hired, here are some extra important tips:👍

Create an attractive resume. The CV is the menu that describes what are the ingredients that make you an appealing candidate for a job. Explain who you are, what is your profile and what are your most important skills.
Don’t forget the presentation letter. A document that serves to complement the curriculum and delve into your qualities and aptitudes. Tell in more detail why your candidacy is ideal for the job vacancy.
Obtain a food handling card. Although not all positions in the company are related to food management, this document makes you a more versatile candidate.
Get the driver’s license. It is not a fundamental requirement either, but it will help you if you are looking for a job as a delivery person. The permit can be for a motorcycle or a car.
Prepare the interview in advance. At a certain moment the person in charge of human resources will call you to arrange an interview. He prepares possible questions to give the best answers.

📌Bonus tip: Be sure to check out our resume examples to see how to write a professional and attractive document. We have different models for different vacancies.

To sum up

If you are a young person without experience or you are looking for a complementary job for your studies, working at Burger King is an excellent alternative. What should you take into account? Here is a summary of what was analyzed in this post:

The company does not have many training or experience requirements Although the pay is not very high, it is still reasonable for beginners in the professional world Their restaurants offer training for new workers You will be able to obtain medical benefits, paid vacations and discounts on food The hours are very flexible and often part-time

If you think your profile suits a Burger King job offer, don’t wait any longer and send your CV. Visit our catalog of resume templates so you can choose a model that fits your needs.

Frequently asked questions

Finally, we answer some of the most common doubts of the candidates:

How old do you have to be to work at Burger King?

The minimum working age established by the Spanish government is 18 years. The vast majority of the fast food chain’s employees are in their 20s.

Should I include a photo on my resume for Burger King?

Although it is not a mandatory requirement, it is recommended, especially if the position is related to customer service. This way you will show yourself as a friendly and cordial candidate.

How many hours a day do you work in restaurants?

It depends on the type of contract you have signed. There are half-day schedules, that is, 4 hours, and full-day schedules of 8 hours.