The hope it’s a optimistic mood in which what we desire or aspire to seems possible. In this sense, hope means having positive expectations related to what is favorable and that corresponds to our desires.
The hope It’s the opposite of hopelessness., and, as such, it often serves as a moral support to avoid falling into discouragement, to not lose serenity or lose sight of what we long to achieve. Hence hope positively fuels our aspirations.
From a more pragmatic point of view, hope can be associated with the idea of wanting to achieve things or make our desires come true without doing anything about it. As if we could achieve our goals without doing anything except waiting for it to happen.
Hope in mythology
The Greek mythology explains the origin of hope through the Pandora’s box myth.
The story goes that Zeus was enraged because Prometheus stole his fire to give to men. Zeus gifted Pandora, wife of Prometheus’s brother, with a box where all the evils of the world were locked.
Pandora, with an innate curiosity infused by the gods, opened the box to see its contents and all evils were released, but she quickly closed it, leaving only Hope inside.
See also Pandora’s Box.
Life expectancy
As Life expectancy or life expectancy is called the average life span that an individual has left to live. As such, it is calculated by considering factors that affect a country’s citizens, such as the quality of medicine, hygiene, and wars, among other things. In this sense, it refers only to people who die from a non-violent death. For newborns, on the other hand, life expectancy coincides with the average length of life in said population.
Hope in religion
In the Christian religionhope is one of the three theological virtues established in the Bible, along with charity and faith. Through this virtue, God is expected to give the goods that he has promised.
According to Saint Thomas of Aquinohope is the virtue that gives man absolute confidence that he will achieve eternal life and the means to achieve it with the help of God.
See also:
Expressions with hope
Feed someone with hopes: is an expression that means hoping to achieve what you aspire or aim for, even if there are not many reasons to think that this will be the case.
Give hope to someone: means making a person understand that what they want or hope for can, in fact, be achieved.
Fill something with hope: means that a thing corresponds to the expectations that had been formed about it.
What hopes!: is an expression, used as an interjection, that indicates the improbability of something being achieved.