What are Hormones

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The hormone is a chemical substance produced by glands, specialized tissues and neurons that balance the biological functions of the body, such as metabolism, growth, sexuality, among others.

Hormones are part of a group identified as chemical messengers, to which neurotransmitters belong.

The hormone is a substance produced by some glands of humans, animals and plants, transported by blood or sap, which acts by inhibiting or activating some activity of other organs, tissues or cells.

Taking the above into account, many hormones are produced by the glands that make up the endocrine system (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas and sexual glands) of the human body.

On the other hand, there are natural and synthetic hormones which are used to treat certain disorders or diseases when it is necessary to make up for their absence or to cause changes in cells or throughout the body.

The main hormones of the human body are growth hormone, thyroxine, antidiuretic, adrenaline, insulin, progesterone, testosterone, glucagon, estrogen, among others.

However, the excess or lack of any hormone can be serious, so the endocrinologist recommends performing medical tests to analyze if there is a hormonal disorder. When hormones do not work correctly, we are faced with a hormonal dysfunctioncommon in men and women related to cases of the sexual glands, for example: infertility, weight gain, acne, and, in the case of women, polycystic ovaries, and andropause in men.

Hormonal disorders are characterized by the deficiency of the endocrine glands, so that they begin to produce a smaller amount of hormones, and, therefore, the treatment is based on hormonal replacement.

On the other hand, the human body is capable of producing a series of hormones that attract pleasure and motivation (dopamine), relieve mood (serotonin) and produce happiness (endorphin), all through sexuality and /or pleasant visualizations, such as landscapes or positive situations for human beings.

The happiness hormone promotes calm, improves mood, reduces blood pressure, reduces pain, aging, etc.

Finally, the word hormone is of Greek origin hormone which means movement or stimulus.

Types of hormones

Growth hormone: produced by the master gland, the pituitary gland. It is a hormone that acts on the growth of human beings, to the extent that it develops muscle mass and promotes bone lengthening.
Chorionic gonadotropin hormone: It is a hormone produced during pregnancy, whose function is to maintain the corpus luteum during the beginning of pregnancy, causing it to secrete the hormone progesterone to sustain the growth of the fetus.
Luteinizing hormone: Also known as lutropin, it is a gonadotropin hormone that triggers ovulation in women and stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone in men.
Lactogenic hormone: or luteogenicis the one that stimulates the secretion of milk.
Thyroxine hormone: Also known as thyroid hormone, it is produced by the thyroid gland and is responsible for various functions: regulation of metabolism, functioning of the cardiovascular systems, development and growth of the body, and maintenance of body weight.

See also: Gland.