He brain It is known as one of the main organs of the body, being the most complex in the entire animal kingdom. Living beings cannot survive without the functioning of the brain. It is located in the head, around the organs of hearing and vision. It has the appearance of a large walnut and its weight is approximately 600 grams.
The functions it performs are produced by the connection of neurons thanks to electromagnetic impulses, although it is also possible to connect with chemical substances. The brain controls the other organs of the body. It is in charge of the functioning of language, emotions, memory and the thought. The specific functions that the brain has are divided according to the left and right hemispheres.
Brain Characteristics
The brain is located in the head, it is protected thanks to the bones of the skull. In almost all living beings the brain is located around the organs of smell, sight, hearing, taste and sense of balance.
Processes sensory data. Exercises control over movement and behavior. It also controls homeostatic functions such as body temperature, heartbeat, and blood pressure.
To study and understand brain functions, they are divided into:
Left hemisphere: It is responsible for regulating the motor area of the right hemisphere of the body. Obtains external information and processes it in order to understand it. He is in charge of deciphering mathematics calculations, the language and music. It also regulates human behavior.
Right hemisphere: area that exercises control over the left area of the body. He is in charge of the organization and perception of the environment. Its function is to establish the spatiotemporal location.
They are defined as very small cells that are part of the nervous system and connect with each other allowing the different functions of the brain. These connections can be made through chemicals or electrical impulses. The brain has approximately 100 billion neurons.
Brain regeneration
The adult brain produces new neurons, these cells are formed in the hippocampus. This is a process that develops normally as long as the brain does not suffer from a disease or is affected by an injury.
The brain is in charge of many tasks and it is the neurotransmitters that allow this. They are defined as chemicals that neurons release.
According to the person’s experience, neurons change their organization in such a way that they can adapt to the experience and thus create new networks. Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of neurons in the brain to adapt or change.
Parts of the Brain
Cerebral cortex: It is made up of neurons and gray matter that connect with each other. In the cortex there are parts that are classified as follows:
Frontal lobe: It is responsible for perceiving, planning, controlling, coordinating, executing, reasoning and omitting behaviors and judgments. The left frontal lobe is responsible for transforming thoughts into words, it also has memory and motor functions. It is also responsible for the regulation of sexual behavior.
Left lobe: is in charge of understanding speech, written language and developing mathematical calculations.
Parietal lobe: It is located in the upper area at the back of the frontal lobe. It exercises control over the perceptions of pain, senses and touch. It allows you to understand traffic and auditory signs thanks to its connection with memory.
Temporal lobe: It is located behind the frontal lobe and below the parietal lobe. Regulates smell and hearing, near the hippocampus.
Right lobe: It is in charge of the motor functions of the body.
Non-dominant temporal lobe: recognizes sounds and is related to non-visual memory.
Dominant temporal lobe: It is responsible for remembering names, objects and words. This lobe, together with the frontal and parietal, is in charge of learning.
Occipital lobe: It is located in the posterior and lower area of the head. Its function is related to movement, shapes and vision.
Stem or brain stem: It is responsible for regulating heart rate, sleep and breathing.
Striated body: Also called the striatum, it obtains information that comes from the cerebral cortex.
Cerebellum: It is responsible for regulating movement, body balance and postures.