Synonyms and antonyms: what they are and 110 examples

The synonyms are those words that have a similar meaning to the word we are using, for example, the word luck. The terms random and fortune are synonymous with luck, because they have a similar meaning.

The antonyms They are words that contain a meaning opposite to the word that interests us. For example, misfortune would be an antonym of luckbecause it means the opposite.

When we use synonyms, it is important to pay attention to the context. exist total synonyms as goose and goose, which can be used interchangeably. By example:

In the lake there are three geese. In the lake there are three geese.

The partial synonymsinstead, are context-dependent, as is the case with grief, which can be synonymous with sadness or of sentence. By example:

I feel grief for his absence.

He faces a grief of five years.

Similarly, we can find absolute antonyms, as all and nothing, who speak of totally opposite ideas; either relative antonymswhich designate partially opposite concepts, such as tomorrow and late. By example:

I had it all and I ran out nothing.

One week I work tomorrow and another of late.

Knowing synonymous and antonymous words contributes to having a richer, more varied vocabulary. Here is a list of words with their corresponding synonyms and antonyms.

Examples of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms Antonyms Find Find Lose Improve Optimize Worsen Allow Consent Prohibit Release Release Hold Affinity Similarity Difference New Recent Used Doubt Uncertainty Certainty Support Defend Oppose Unique Special Common Give Grant Receive Remember Remember Forget Know Know Ignore Request Request Deny Life Existence Death Balance Stability Instability Origin Beginning End Fear Fear Valor Infinite Unlimited Limited Optimum Stupendous Horrible Respectful Considered Inconsiderate Strange Alien Known Innocent Naive Malicious Essential Basic Secondary Grow Increase Decrease Sublime Excellent Vulgar Quite Sufficient Scarce Eternal Imperishable Ephemeral Sustain Secure Deny Intelligent Insightful Ignorant Systematic Methodical Anarchic Action Movement Inactivity Important Significant Insignificant Responsible Sensible Foolish Interest Disposition Disinterest Compel Force Release Group Collective Individual Bright Luminous Dark Complex Complicated Simple Integral Total Partial Satisfy Please Displease Apt Capable Inept Better Superior Inferior Necessary Optional Exist Have Miss Appear Show Hide Conflict Dispute Agreement Achieve Achieve Fail Say Express Silence Assist Help Abandon Cons patient Awake Unconscious Courtesy Attention Contempt Current Contemporary Past Vain Empty Deep Lack Scarcity Abundance Arbitrary Fickle Firm

See also Homonymous words, homophones and homographs.

Degree in Classical Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid (2007). She taught private classes in Latin, Greek and Spanish between 2006 and 2009. She is an online content creator since May 2021.