Story The firefly that did not want to fly (Read and Listen)

Story The firefly that didn’t want to fly: adaptation of the Thai folk tale.

Many, many years ago, a forest in Thailand was illuminated every night thanks to the light of fireflies.

The little animals formed a huge group that lived in community within the holes in the bark of an ancient tree.

When the warm summer sun disappeared and a dark blanket covered everything, the fireflies, very close together, came out to dance. Their bodies twinkled like small shining stars.

Hundreds of little lights illuminated the night, creating a visual spectacle that excited the rest of the animals.

All the fireflies enjoyed this nighttime ritual except one, who never wanted to fly with the others. Nobody understood what was happening to him. Unlike her proud companions, she preferred to remain hidden in the hiding place of her tree.

One day, her grandmother, one of the fireflies with the most experience in the art of night dancing, stayed talking to her.

– Dear granddaughter – he whispered affectionately – What’s wrong with you? You never want to go flying with us and we don’t know why. It is very fun and we are very sorry that you are the only one who does not participate in this wonderful game.

– I’m very ashamed, grandma. When I see the incredible moon illuminating the night with its brilliant light, I feel insignificant. I will never be able to compare myself to her – the little firefly answered whining.

– That is not entirely true, dear granddaughter – her grandmother wanted to console her – The moon does not always illuminate forest nights in the same way.

The little firefly looked strange and didn’t know what to think.

– I don’t understand you, granny… What do you mean?

– The moon doesn’t always shine the same, little girl. When it is full, its light invades everything and clears up the night. But when it is waxing or waning, its brightness is much less. There are days when the moon is so tiny that, if it weren’t for us, the forest would seem like a dark tunnel. On those days, our work becomes more important because we have the responsibility not only of beautifying the world in shadows, but of serving as guides for all animals so that they can orient themselves in the darkness.

How good the little firefly felt after her grandmother’s explanation! She now understood that although she was little, her mission was very important for the life of the forest.

From that day on, she left on time and overflowing with happiness to share the magical dance of light with her companions.