What is and what does a skull mean?
A skull, also called a bone head, is the name given to the set of bones that make up the skeleton of the head, formed by the bones of the face and skull, when it is stripped of flesh and skin. The word, as such, comes from Latin ordealwhich means ‘skull’.
The bones of the skull fulfill the function of surrounding and protecting the brain and sensory organs of the human being, in addition to containing the chewing apparatus. It is made up of 28 bonesof which the jaw is the only mobile bone.
In this way, the skull is made up of the following bones. In the skull, the frontal, temporal, occipital, parietal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones. In the face, the vomer bones, unguis, inferior nasal concha, upper jaw, lower jaw or mandible, zygomatic or malar, palatine, nasal bones and bones of the middle ear, with the hammer, incus and stapes.
The skull is also used as symbol of deathas danger sign or as an indication on the label of a toxic sustance. Likewise, the skull has been used by the pirateswith two crossbones and on a black background, as a symbol on their flags.
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