Satellite Definition

When speaking of the term satellite, reference is being made to those elements that orbit naturally or artificially around a celestial body and that may have different functions or objectives according to their origin. The word satellite comes from the Latin satellitesa word that meant “what was around or around someone” and that was normally used to designate those soldiers or guards in charge of the special protection of a king or sovereign.

Satellites can be classified as natural or artificial, this being the most important differentiation that can be found. When we talk about natural satellites, we are referring to the celestial bodies that naturally orbit around the planets and that can vary not only in terms of size but also in terms of many other physical or geological features. In this sense, the Moon is undoubtedly the natural satellite best known to humans, the only one that man has been able to reach and get to know personally. In almost all cases, natural satellites are smaller than the planets they accompany, although, in some cases, such as the Moon, they may present characteristics so similar to those of the planet that they also fall within the name of binary systems. of planets.

On the other hand, artificial satellites are those that have been voluntarily created by man and placed in the orbit of different planets to better understand their physical, atmospheric and geological characteristics. These satellites are specially prepared to orbit around the selected celestial body, although sometimes they can even land on its surface. Artificial satellites have been since their creation one of man’s most fabulous inventions since they represent the only real opportunity to get closer to the other celestial bodies that are part of the Solar System, celestial bodies that otherwise could only be known through the astronomy.

Artificial satellites are today very high-tech equipment since they are properly prepared to remain in operation for a long time, carry out very diverse types of actions, withstand different climatic and atmospheric conditions and even be canceled when man so wishes.
