Have you ever researched your name? Just by looking at its etymology you can discover very interesting data. In fact, it’s the kind of information that’s useful when deciding what name a baby will have. Our list is varied and includes their meanings, and a brief history of famous people who wore them, or who still do so today. You will be able to obtain clear information that you can consult at any time. Now you will know what it means Pelayo.
“The sea”.
Male proper name.
Saints date
Is he June 26th.
Etymology of the name Pelayo:
It is the Hispanic form of the Greek name Pelagiosthat comes from pelagos which designates the sea. This is what several saints and popes were called. There was the Spanish battleship Pelagio that served in the Navy from 1888 to 1925. Added to this is the Hermitage of San Pelayo and San Isidro, whose ruins are in Madrid. It is also the synonym of the South American spider known as Josa.
Pelagios, Pelagia, Pelayo.
Famous people named Pelayo:
Pelayo Días Zapico
Spanish fashion blogger: Born in 1986 in Oviedo, Spain. He became famous thanks to his blog Katelovesme. He works as a stylist, fashion designer, writer and collaborator for television. He started his blog in 2007, which gained the support of big brands and designers. He also released his first collection in 2011 known as Nobody knows. As of 2015 she became more popular on television thanks to her work on the show change me from Telecinco. He also participated in the derived shows Change me Premium and Change me at night.
Pelagius of Asturias
Hispanic-Visigothic name: It is estimated that he lived between 685 and 737. He was a Hispano-Visigoth noble who founded the kingdom of Asturias around 718. He is credited with the Christian Reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula from the rule of the Moors. He is also credited with establishing the Asturian monarchy, which would make him the ancestor of all the monarchies that were later formed in the Iberian area. This includes the kings of Castile, those of León and those of Portugal. What is known about this is through the Chronica Albeldensia and of the Chronicle of Alfonso III.
Pelayo Quintero Atauri
Spanish historian: He was born in 1867 in Uclés and died in 1946 in Tetuán, Spain. He is also known as an archaeologist, writer and painter. He became interested in archeology through his uncle Román García Soria. His first publication is in 1889 in the Spain Magazine with the title Archaeological and artistic uclés. Among his explorations he participated in the one carried out in the prehistoric cave of Segóbriga. He founded and presided over the Royal Hispano-American Academy of Sciences and Arts. He published a large number of articles on history and art, which he accompanied with his own illustrations.
Characteristics of the most famous people named Pelayo:
They are respectful individuals, gentle and easy to treat. They have a calm and balanced character, in which they prefer to resolve any disagreement with dialogue. They are passionate about their work, to which they dedicate a lot of time and inspiration.