◁ Ornitholestes

What is an Ornitholestes? The Ornitholestes was a small theropod dinosaur that was part of the Coelurosauria family.. He lived in what is now the United States in North America in the final phase of the Jurassic. The first discovery…

Tales of bravery |

This compilation of stories about braverywork on one of the classic values ​​of traditional stories, in which we see the protagonist face his fears and face complicated situations with the courage typical of a good story. 💡 You may also…


The use of abbreviations is one of the language resources that is quite common in writing. It offers a reduced way of expressing words and concepts, which is generally accepted in formal topics such as science, technology, or in bibliographies.…

Robot for kids

A children’s toy robot is, of all toys, the most modern. However, contrary to what you may think, just because it is not traditional does not mean that it is not an optimal teaching option. In fact, a smart robot…