➤ Words with ta

The words with T.A. They abound in the Spanish vocabulary. We are faced with a common syllable that results from combining the T with the vowel TO. It has a strong sound and can appear in all types of words,…

Euro banknotes and coins

Coins and banknotes are so everyday that sometimes we don’t realize the large amount of mathematics behind them. We can learn to use decimals, add, subtract, multiply, composition and decomposition of numbers, etc. Therefore, in this article we will see…

⭐ Corythosaurus

What is a Corythosaurus? Corythosaurus was a dinosaur from the hadrosaur family that lived in what is now North America. It is estimated that it remained where cypresses, ferns and magnolias grew. Its movement was that of a quadruped, but…

II➤ Giraffatitan

What is a Giraffatitan? Giraffatitan brancai was a brachiosaurid dinosaur that lived in Tanzania in the Tendaguru Basin. The German paleontologist Werner Janensch was the one who first described it. Its name comes from Latin and means titanic giraffe. In…

reflexive pronouns

The pronouns They are a set of words that are used to replace nouns or names to avoid their repetition or because they are known by those who intervene in a communicative situation. There are many types of pronouns, although…

⊛ Carnivorous Dinosaurs

Just as there are carnivorous animals in nature today, carnivorous dinosaurs also existed. That is, they were dinosaurs that ate other dinosaurs to live, generally herbivores. They also included those that were capable of eating remains of dead animals, so…

▷ Supersaurus

What is a Supersaurus? Supersaurus was a dinosaur of enormous dimensions that is believed to have lived during the last phase of the Jurassic. It had a very long neck, a long tail and a large body volume. Its head…