Ordinary measures to address diversity

This article is going to explain the key ideas about the ordinary measures of attention to diversity. Specifically, we are going to explain to you what place it occupies within the measures of attention to diversity, what these measures consist of and We will present you some of the ordinary measures that can be proposed in Primary Education educational centers preferably.

In global terms, diversity is spoken of as a characteristic of all people which refers to their different ways of thinking, feeling and acting, different personal and cultural characteristics, as well as different interests. But in this article we will see what more specific aspects the educational system is based on.

The Ordinary measures of attention to diversity in the school context

Attention to diversity is one of the educational principles of our educational system. Measures to address diversity try to respond to and concretize this principle in daily educational action.

What is attention to diversity?

From the point of view of regulations, attention to diversity is understood as all educational actions aimed at Give answer to the different abilities, learning rhythms and styles, motivations and interests, social, ethnic, immigration or health situations of the students.

Attention to diversity takes shape in three types of measurements in almost all autonomous communities:

Ordinary measures to address diversity. Educational support and reinforcement. Extraordinary measures.

In this article, we are going to explain the ordinary measures.

Ordinary measures to address diversity

As we have just indicated, the first block of measures to address diversity are ordinary measures.

They are all those that They do not imply a significant modification of the prescriptive elements of the curriculum. Therefore, they do not significantly modify the objectives, contents, evaluation criteria, evaluable learning standards or basic competencies.

Requirements to adopt these measures

They are considered ordinary measures of attention to diversity because they can affect all students. Furthermore, these types of measures do not require any other exceptional action. That is to say, They do not need to carry out a psycho-pedagogical evaluation previous.

Normally, these ordinary measures of attention to diversity are aimed at adapt the curriculum and the organization of the center to the general characteristics of the context in which the center is located and to the general needs and peculiarities of the students who attend school. For this reason, they are usually grouped into more strictly curricular measures and more organizational measures.

Ordinary curricular measures

We are going to propose a series of ordinary measures to address diversity. First of all, we propose some measures that can be considered more properly curricular, although this name is only indicative. The measurements are as follows:

Clarify the most relevant general needs of the center’s students. Develop actions basic training with teachers of attention to diversity. Consider attention to diversity in the proposal of complementary and extracurricular activities.
Prioritize content most basic and fundamental in each course. Strictly sequence the teaching programs instrumental learning throughout the stage: oral communication, reading, writing, calculation, numbering, problem solving, etc. Establish by course the type of notebook, guideline and standard writing tool for the majority of students. Work with all students in a systematic and sequenced manner throughout the stage learning strategies such as: planning, organization, search and selection of information, elaboration, expression and generalization. Choose curricular materials with pedagogical criteria and that adapt to the characteristics and needs of the context. Develop progressively and cooperatively and activity bank for all courses. Use different evaluation procedures and not just written exams. Have a communicative report card and functional for families Promote cooperative work methodologies between students, peer help and meaningful learning. Establish programs for the acquisition of intellectual work techniques, education in values ​​and social skills. Establish objective criteria for making decisions regarding course promotion. Have a programming model simple and functional classroom. Propose activities that can respond to students who are highly motivated to learn.

Organizational measures

Another group of ordinary measures to address diversity have a more organizational nature, but they provide a response to diversity for all students in general. These would be some measures:

Establish a functional system of transfer of information between teachers each new course. Establish a functional system of continuity between the Infant and Primary stages, and between Primary and Secondary. Promote teacher initiative and collaborative actions. Establish class regroupings at the beginning of the Primary stage and in the middle of it, based on pedagogical criteria that favor attention to diversity. Favor the Parent Schools, aimed at improving the educational competence of families. Favor the flexible unfolding and grouping in instrumental subjects. Distribute in a balanced manner by levels to students who have specific educational support needs. Have functional and concrete measures to prevent school absenteeism and to intervene early. To establish a tutoring assignment procedure based on pedagogical criteria. Have pedagogical criteria for preparing the school schedule. Promote the collaboration of families in the educational process of their children. Establish systems of effective communication with families. Have an action procedure for the reception and educational response of foreign students who join the center with no knowledge of the language. Establish agile and functional procedures for collaboration with entities external to the center, which intervene with the most sensitive students in terms of attention to diversity. Dispose of early detection programs of some of the most common childhood disorders at school. How many measures favor the objective of attention to diversity.

All of these are ordinary measures of attention to diversity that centers can adopt and reflect, as we will see below in their programmatic documents.

Ordinary measures to address diversity in the center’s documents

All these ordinary measures of attention to diversity must be reflected in the so-called programmatic documents of the center. Each autonomous community has established how to reflect these measures in its documents. Among these documents we can also find the Primary educational reinforcement program.

Generally, many of the ordinary measures of attention to diversity are reflected in the Educational Project, in Didactic Programming and in Classroom Programming.

In future posts, we will continue developing the rest of the diversity attention measures: ordinary support and reinforcement measures and extraordinary measures.

I hope that this presentation on ordinary measures to address diversity is useful for your educational work.