Nevada Definition

In the field of meteorology, the phenomenon that causes snow to fall instead of rain is known as snowfall. The main cause of the presence of snow as precipitation is the low temperature, since it represents a significant level of cold. However, some other issues are also necessary for snowfall to occur in a traditional way, the main one having to do with the presence of high humidity, which makes it easier for water to reach the surface instead of in a liquid state. of the Earth, turn into snowflakes. That is to say that snow or snowfall occurs mainly when there is a combination of low temperature with high humidity. Other issues such as the wind can also influence.

Snowfall is obviously a typical feature of cold climates such as those found near both poles of the planet. In any case, climatic changes in recent years have meant that this exclusivity is not such, with snowfall occurring in parts of the planet with temperate climates. In order for snow to form effectively, the ambient temperature must be below 0° since when this barrier is exceeded, the snowflakes that could form dissolve in the air before touching the surface.

When speaking of snowfall, reference is made to the phenomenon that involves the fall of a significant amount of snow, that is, not momentary or circumstantial as can occur with some diffuse precipitations. There are different types of snowfall that, depending on their intensity, range from light to severe. The latter tend to occur especially in spaces not inhabited by humans, for example in forests, mountains, etc. However, in recent times, many cities in the north have suffered heavier than usual snowfalls, which implies severe complications in transportation, communications, etc. In these cases, it is common for security operations to be deployed to keep the streets and routes free of snow, as well as public activities are suspended. Snow can appear in different forms depending on its intensity as well; in some cases the precipitation is weak flakes, in others hail and in others ice crystals.
