• • Name Calisto • • What peculiarities does it have and where does it come from?

Excellent, you found us! You were looking for names on the Internet and you found this website, right? That is very good news for you, since we have content created especially to provide you with varied and interesting options, which include their meanings. That means that you will be able to find a name that is pleasant to the ear that represents wonderful things for its bearer. Therefore, read carefully below what it means. Callisto.


“Beautiful”, “beautiful”, “noble”, “good”.

Male proper name. The female version of him is Calista.

Saints date
Is he October 14th in honor of Pope Saint Calixtus I.

Etymology of the name Callisto:

Its origin is in the Greek kallistos derived from kalos that is beautiful, beautiful, noble, good. There is also a relationship with the Sanskrit word kalyana, which means beautiful. Callisto was a nymph of great beauty who had Arcas with Zeus. Callisto is also the fourth moon of Jupiter discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610.


Callisto either Calixto in Spanish, Calixt in German, Calistu in Asturian, Kalikst in bulgarian, Calixt in Catalan, Kalixt in czech, Kalist in Croatian, Callistus in danish, Kaliksto in Esperanto, Calixtus in finnish, Calixte in French, Kallistos in Greek, Callixtus in English and Kalixtus in Icelandic.

Famous people named Callisto:

Calixto Bravo

Mexican military of the 18th century: was born in 1790 in Chilpancingo and died on April 5, 1878 in Guerrero, Mexico. He was a prominent figure in the War of Independence, along with José María Morelos, and Vicente and Nicolás Guerrero. He was also part of the Army of the North to defend the territory of Laredo, something he did with only 48 men. He faced off against the American forces of General Zachary Taylor.

Calixto Bieito

Spanish theater director: born on November 2, 1963 in Miranda de Ebro, Spain. He directs the Basel Theater and the Arriaga Theater in Bilbao. He studied at the Theater Institute in Barcelona where he studied Hispanic Philology, Stage Direction and Art History. He obtained various awards such as the one from the Spanish Directors Association in 2000, the Award for Best Director that he received from The Irish Times in the same year, the Award for Best Stage Adaptation by Crítica Teatral de Barcelona and the European Culture Award. in 2009. In 2010 he directed the International Arts Festival of Castilla y León.

Calixto Oyuela

Argentine writer and essayist: was born on February 3, 1857 and died on June 12, 1935 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied law but soon abandoned the practice and dedicated himself to teaching and literary criticism. He was the first president of the Academy of Argentine Letters. He was also part of the Royal Spanish Academy and stood out as one of the most notable figures in the cultural renewal of his country. He left a large number of poems, verses and prose. Some of his most famous titles were Moon night, ErosElegies, New Songs, Song of Art, Elements of Literary Theory and Hispano-American Poetry Anthology.

General characteristics of famous people named Callisto:

It is the name of sensitive men, open to creative experiences and the expression of their feelings. They are attracted to artistic careers or activities that involve creating works, with their impressions and with their life experience. Personally, they are reserved and prefer to enjoy their affections in private.