Mozart, the genius

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the musical genius, was born in a city in Austria called Salzburg in the mid-18th century, specifically in the year 1756.

From a very young age he showed incredible talent for his young age. At only four years old he could read musical notes on a staff perfectly.

At the age of six, little Amadeus was already an outstanding artist. He played various instruments such as the keyboard and the violin with astonishing skill, and invented musical pieces that he automatically memorized and repeated over and over again effortlessly. As if this were not enough, he was also capable of listening to a work anywhere, for example in a church, and reproducing it exactly the same when he got home. Could it be that he had a tape recorder, or rather, a computer in his head? ?

His father Leopold, who was also a musician, realized that his son was a child prodigy and from the beginning tried to teach him everything he knew. He was undoubtedly his first great teacher! He was so proud of his son that he took him on a trip throughout Europe with one goal: to play in the most important palaces, before the kings and their courtiers! He wanted the most distinguished people of the old continent to surrender at his feet. ! As expected, he had enormous success. Imagine how amazed everyone was when that little guy started playing like a great virtuoso!

As the years went by, Mozart became a restless and passionate man who did not stop working. Throughout his short life he composed symphonies, piano concertos, operas… In total, more than six hundred wonderful works. If you want to listen to one, I suggest three of the most famous: The Small nocturnal serenadethe Symphony No. 40 and some fragment of the opera The magic Flute They sure sound familiar to you!

Despite his genius, he was a rather misunderstood musician, partly because his works were so original and modern that many people did not understand them. Musically he was ahead of his time and this caused him a lot of problems making a living. Although he knew success, he died at the age of 36, mired in poverty.

The passage of time has placed it in the place of honor it deserves. Today he is possibly the most admired and influential musician of all time. Most of his works are considered great masterpieces.

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