What is migration
Migration is the movement of a group or population of human beings, from one place to another, with the aim of settling in a new country or region temporarily or permanently.
It is a phenomenon that has occurred since the origin of humanity and is motivated by various factors: economic, political, social, cultural, etc.
Currently, most countries in the world maintain specific immigration policies, with the aim of regulating these movements. While various international organizations, such as the United Nations, defend and protect migration as a right of human beings.
Types of migration
Depending on the point of view with which we approach the migratory phenomenon, we can talk about immigration or emigration.
As emigration is known as the departure of people from their countryregion or locality of origin, to establish themselves in another country, region or locality.
Emigration has implications for both countries of origin and destination countries. In the country of origin, it can result in the loss of human resources and talent, as well as a decline in population in certain sectors. However, it can also generate remittances, that is, money transfers that emigrants send to their families in their country of origin, which can have a positive economic impact.
See also Emigration.
The Immigration means the arrival of people to a country, region or locality with the aim of settling there. This can occur by an individual or a group of people. The objective of immigration is usually to opt for a better quality of life, better opportunities, greater economic income and possibilities for development at both a personal and family level.
In the destination country, immigration can influence the workforce, cultural diversity, innovation and economic growth. However, it can also pose challenges in terms of integration, migration policies, labor competition and public services.
See also Immigration.
There are also different types of migration, depending on its characteristics or the causes that determine it. So the main classifications usually differentiate between.
Permanent or temporary migration
Migration can be permanent, when individuals permanently establish their residence in the new place, or temporary, when it is due to shorter stays.
It is important to keep in mind that the distinction between permanent and temporary migration can be blurred. This is because some people may initially plan a temporary migration, but then decide to settle permanently in the destination country. Furthermore, the duration of temporary migration can vary significantly, from a few months to several years.
Forced or voluntary migration
Migration is considered forced when the factors that determine it do not depend on the subjects and are conditioned by external events (hunger, war, etc.).
People who are forced to migrate are commonly known as refugees, asylum seekers or internally displaced persons, depending on their legal and geographical status.
It is, however, voluntary migration, when the person who freely makes the determination is the individual himself.
This type of migration may be motivated by a search for better economic, educational or other opportunities. People who migrate voluntarily may be students, professionals seeking employment, families seeking reunification, or people who simply want to experience a new culture or environment.
Internal or external migration
Internal migration is that which takes place within the borders of a country, that is, people move from one region or locality to another within the nation.
The most common type of internal migration is migration from the countryside to the city. What is also known as Rural exodus. This occurs when people who live in isolated or very poor rural areas decide to move to urban centers in search of a better quality of life and greater employment opportunities.
See also Displacement.
For its part, the international migration or external is that which involves the movement of individuals or groups of individuals outside the borders of their country of origin to another.
External migration generally involves legal and administrative processes, such as applying for visas, obtaining work permits, and complying with the laws and regulations of the destination country.
See also 7 key characteristics of globalization.
Causes of migration
The causes that determine migrations are multiple and, in this sense, they have different motivations and characteristics.
It talks about migration for political reasons when the reason for it is a political crisis. This generally unleashes a situation of institutional instability that pronouncedly affects a State and its citizens.
Another possibility is that a country finds itself going through a totalitarian regime, without freedom of expression, that persecutes dissent. This causes many citizens, whether politically involved or not, to decide to leave the country for fear that their rights will not be respected.
You can also talk about migration for economic reasons when a significant part of the population is affected by an economic crisis. This causes many people to prefer to migrate to countries that offer them better opportunities.
He cultural factor It also plays an important role in the choice of migration destination. Generally, cultures with similar characteristics and considerable historical ties tend to offer better possibilities to the individual. That is why migrants hope to develop their productive potential within the new society.
Likewise, other more complex situations, such as nuclear accidents or armed conflicts or wars, determine that a population feels the urgent need to migrate. This type of migration is forced.
On the other hand, natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, etc., lead to the need for migration of a human population.
animal migration
Animal migration is a phenomenon in which different species of animals move from one place to another periodically or seasonally. These migrations are usually influenced by factors such as food availability, climate, reproduction and the search for more suitable habitats.
Animal migration can be of different types. Some species migrate long distances, traveling thousands of kilometers, while others make shorter migrations within a more limited geographic area.
Causes of animal migration
There are different reasons why animals migrate. One of the main ones is the search for food. The reproduction It may also be an important factor in animal migration. Some species migrate to specific areas to reproduce and raise their young in more favorable conditions. Sea turtles, for example, migrate long distances from their feeding areas to the beaches where they lay their eggs.
Furthermore, animal migration plays an important role in the dispersal of species, the regulation of populations and the connection of different ecosystems.