What is Submission:
Submission refers to attitude taken by individuals who submit to the authority or will of other people whether to ask questions.
The word submission originates from Latin submissio, which means “submission.” Among the synonyms that can be used to refer to submission are submission, compliance, surrender, docile and obedience.
Submissive people take a position of subordination and comply with all the orders given to them without making reproaches or complaints, even when they disagree with what they should do, this may be because they feel threatened or inferior to others.
The submission can be seen in different contexts of society and, in general, it is not seen well since it is understood that a submissive person is one who is usually humiliated or enslaved by another.
Among the contexts in which submission can occur are family relationships between parents and children, in relationships or in labor Relations between boss and employee. In these cases, submissive people submit to the orders of the other, they feel inferior and intimidated, therefore, they do not omit their opinion or contradict them.
Many other examples of submission can be mentioned in which you can see how one of the parties must submit to the orders of the other and comply with them.
On the other hand, submission is also observed in other areas such as, for example, in Martial Arts or in wrestling. In these cases, submission refers to the immobility of the rival, forcing him to surrender.
Likewise, in the sexual relations Submission exists in a set of practices that imply the dominance of one person over another. In this case, the people who participate in the sexual act or fantasy feel pleasure in being dominated or exercising dominance. These relationships can involve acts of sadomasochism.
For its part, in the area of law Submission is submission to the claim of one of the parties, without this meaning that one party recognizes the right of the other, causing the publication of the ruling by the judge.
Likewise, submission also indicates the act by which a person submits to another jurisdiction, renouncing his or her domicile or jurisdiction. However, submission can be evidenced in a tacit or express manner.
The submissive person is characterized by being humble, docile, obedient, subordinate, surrendered or subjugated to another person, be it their boss, partner, friend or another. For example, a son is submissive to his parents since he must comply and abide by their orders.
Submission can even be evidenced in animals, for example, when an animal is dominated by its master or any other person.
In another order of ideas, Submission is the title of the novel by author Michel Houellebecq, published in 2015, which is based on a political fiction plot.
See also:
Express submission and tacit submission
Express submission and tacit submission are two terms that belong to procedural submission.
The express submission is stipulated by the parties, identifying the jurisdiction of the courts that will hear the matter. In the event that there are several courts in the same jurisdiction, the distribution will determine which of them is responsible for hearing the case.
On the other hand, thesubmissionsmall cupIt is evident in two cases, the first refers to the plaintiff, when he goes to the courts of a certain district to file a complaint and, the second refers to the defendant when taking any action in the trial except the declination due to the filing of the demand.
Submission in the Bible
Submission is putting oneself under the order of another’s judgment, decision or affections. Consequently, every Christian must submit to God without questioning him and, following his orders and teachings in order to lead a Christian life, a follower and faithful of the Lord Jesus Christ and free from all sin.