Meaning of Machirulo

What is Machirulo:

The word machirulo is used in colloquial language to refer to the man who boasts of being sexist without disguise.

The origin of the term machirulo is uncertain, however, in the Urgent Spanish Dictionary It is classified as a neologism that is used inconsistently in feminist vocabularygenerally, with a derogatory meaning.

Some specialists have considered that the word machirulo derives from the union of the terms “machista” (man who acts arrogantly with women) and “chulo” (ruffian, pimp). Hence, those men who act in a despotic manner towards women are treated as machirulo.

On the other hand, there are also those who give another definition to the word machirulo, and use it to refer to the tomboyish woman.

Even in LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual) language, according to Gay-lesbian dictionaryby the author Félix Rodríguez, is called machirulo gay man who displays himself very masculinea situation that generates discomfort and is considered an insult towards lesbian women of masculine appearance.

It is worth mentioning that this word gained popularity thanks to the fact that it has been used by different female figures in the political area in order to criticize their opponents, especially against those whose opinions or statements have a somewhat sexist meaning.

See also Machismo.