Meaning of Location (what it is and examples)

A location is a place where something or someone is located, a place, a location. A location is a situation, an establishment, a seat, it is the location of something somewhere or somewhere.

New GPS technologies (Global Positioning System) have at their disposal 24 satellites in orbit above the Earth that detect and send updated information without the need for maps.

In geography, a location or geographical location is any way of locating a human being. By example,

through the coordinates geographical (latitude and longitude), a compass,a map,a clock,a sextant (measures angles between the Sun and the horizon, used especially in maritime and air navigation until the 20th century), a telescope,through GPS (marks the position using satellites).

A location either audiovisual location It is a site or area used and used in filming, advertising and television. They are not fictitious locations or locations built for that purpose, but rather they are real locations that were not created to record a scene for a movie or advertisement.

It greatly reduces filming costs when you take advantage of buildings, structures, natural settings, cities, towns, etc. to film part or all of these advertisements or films.

See also Geographic location