Meaning of Integration

What is Integration:

Integration is he act of joining, incorporating and/or interweaving parts so that it becomes part of a whole.

Nowadays, the word integration is used mostly as a social concept that encompasses different fields such as social, regional, economic, religious, racial, organizational integration, etc.

Social integration

The social integration it’s a social process of inclusion of marginal groups in society.

Its ultimate objective is social development, meaning that each individual, with their rights and obligations, will have an active role in the society in which they live by creating a safe, stable and fair society for all.

Social integration is based on social equality and has human development as its pinnacle.

See also:

Economic integration

The economic integration involves economic agreements between countries with the purpose of generate freer transit of flows of capital, work, goods and/or services between those countries.

The modalities or forms of economic integration They can be unilateral agreements, bilateral agreements and/or regional integration formulas.

The forms of economic integration mentioned have different levels depending on the lesser or greater degree of openness in exchange between countries. These levels are generally divided into:

Preferential Agreements (tariff agreements) Free Trade Zones or Areas (Example: NAFTA, MERCOSUR) Customs Union (fiscal and monetary policies) Common Market (free movement of goods) Economic Union (economic, fiscal and monetary policies) Full economic integration ( unification of all previous levels)

Integration as an administrative function

Any company or organization is considered a form of social organism. Under this definition, integration constitutes a constant administrative function of inclusion, union and updating of human resources, material resources and computer resources in a single system or social organism. The integration stages are as follows:


Educational Integration

The educational integration It is a process that unites ordinary education with special education (special educational needs) with the objective of an instructive, temporal and social integration that will help greater inclusion as an adult in society.

Integration in Mathematics

Integral in mathematicssymbolized with this graphis an operation that reverses a function that was derivedmeaning that integral and derivative are opposite operations.