Meaning of Denotation

What is Denotation:

The term denotation indicates the basic, formal and objective meaning that a word or phrase has. It is a word that derives from the Latin denotatĭo, which means “action or effect of denoting.”

Denotation is that meaning of words or phrases that is recognized and understood, in general terms, by all those people who speak the same language.

That is, denotation is the direct and conventional meaning of a wordwhich is recognized by all those who speak the same language, regardless of the context in which it is used, without generating misunderstandings or erroneous interpretations.

For example, the word home can be used by any individual in different contexts and will be interpreted as that space where one or more people live together, without the need to clarify or explain what is being talked about.

Therefore, when it comes to a denotative meaning there should not be any type of contradictions with respect to what is indicated. Therefore, denotation is the opposite of connotation.

However, it should be noted that both The denotative and connotative meaning of words complement each other and generate that richness that every language possesses. when used both orally and in writing.

The denotative meaning of the word reduces the existence of erroneous interpretations, however it does not always escape being in the middle of a context that can be understood connotatively or subjectively.

For example, “It’s a cat”, in a denotative sense, is referring to a mammalian, quadruped animal, among others.

But if that same word is used in the following way, “Luis looks like a cat”, in a connotative sense it indicates that Luis presents some attitudes that can be related to those of a cat, such as walking stealthily or sleeping too much.

Another example could be, “The rose is a flower with peculiar characteristics”, it refers to the plant, in this case it refers to the denotative sense of the word rose.

But in, “You are the most beautiful rose I have ever known,” a property or figurative meaning, that is, connotative, is given to the word rose by relating it to the beauty of a person who is related to the flower.

Another use of the denotation and connotation of the meaning of words occurs, generally in advertising, in which games on words, phrases and images are made in order to attract the consumer public or to convey an informative message.

See also the meaning of Connotation.