Is it resume or resume? This is what the RAE says

You may have a flawless career record that has recruiters gawping in admiration; but if your CV hides spelling errors, you could go from being the best candidate to a safe discard.

So if you have wondered if it is written resume or resumeHere we are going to clear up this doubt based on what the RAE says, and you will be surprised. ✔

Is it written resume or resume?

Both terms are correct according to Spelling of the Spanish languageand they are written in round and with tilde.

These words are synonymous in the work context, so you can use them interchangeably while respecting the correct way of writing them and, of course, pronouncing them. Of course, it is not correct to accompany the word “curriculum” by the term “vitae”.

As for the plurals of both terms, they are “resumes” and “resumes”.

💡 Note: In the academic context, the word «curriculum» refers to the knowledge that a student must acquire in order to obtain a degree, called the study plan.

Curriculum vitaein italics and without tilde

Although the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubtsin its 2005 version, established that this locution you could write with tilde and without italics (curriculum vitae), the new version of this document (Orthography – 2010) has modified this norm and the tilde was eliminated, therefore, it is appropriate to write Curriculum vitae.

Well it is a latin locution that must be treated like the rest of foreign words, that is, its writing must respect its original language: without graphic tilde and in italics.

If this type of letter cannot be used, the correct thing to do is to write it in quotation marks, preferably Spanish or angular («»), just as you would write another foreign term.

Also, also it is incorrect to write “curriculum vitae” with double tilde

The Curriculum vitae in plural

Another difference that exists between curriculum, curriculum and Curriculum vitae is its plural form, since in the case of this last locution is invariable. So the correct thing is to write resumesand not resumes.

In any case, it is important to mention that the 3 terms are synonymous when reference is made to the document that contains the personal, labor and professional data of a person who wishes to apply for a job.

Therefore, any of these words can be used without any inconvenience.

And how are they pronounced?

There is no difference in pronunciation between curriculum and curriculum, the intonation corresponding to the graphic tilde must be respected.

However, in the case of Curriculum vitae the norm is different as it is a Latin term. So the proper pronunciation is /bite/ either /bítae/making the intonation in the «í», being incorrect to pronounce /bitáe/.

The abbreviations admitted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE)

Both “curriculum” and “curriculum” do not have an official abbreviation, as is the case with the Latin element Curriculum vitae. The RAE has promulgated the following norm 👇:

Abbreviation of Curriculum vitae in singular: the “CV” or the “CV”.
Abbreviation of Curriculum vitae in plural: the “CVs”.

📌 Suggestion: Some media tend to write these terms in the wrong way. Therefore, whenever you have a question about our language, consult directly with the most reliable source: the Spanish dictionary.

Other synonyms of curriculum or resume

The name of this document also tends to vary depending on the culture of some countries. These are other common synonyms 👇:

CV. Professional resume. Professional background. Curriculum synthesis. Curriculum summary. Record.

The only thing that changes is the name.the content of the document continues to mention data such as the following 👇:

Academic titles or career completed. Previous jobs or positions. Skills. Achievements. References.

Points to remember…

We do not want to say goodbye without first mentioning the points that you must remember on this topic 👇:

The terms “curriculum” and “curriculum” are correct, and the use of one or the other is indifferent because they act as synonyms in the work context. The plural of “currículum” is “currículums” and the plural of “curriculum” is “curriculos”. The correct thing is to write Curriculum vitae, in italics and without tilde because it is a Latinism. The plural of Curriculum vitae it is invariable. The official abbreviation for Curriculum vitae es CV or CV When you have a language question, consult the RAE website.

While it is vital to know the correct way to write the different denominations in this document, the most important thing is that you know how to write a resume that promote your career successfully.

Fortunately, you do not have to be an expert in the field, but you can choose one of our resume templates according to your trade or profession to save time and effort, and to dazzle the recruiter with an impressive and professional CV. ✔