Currently, Primor is the low-cost perfumery that sells the most in Spain, according to El Diario. And since it is not a very demanding company in terms of requirements, job applications are permanent.
For this reason, we will explain whether or not it is worth working for this franchise, what its benefits are, how to send your resume and how to improve your opportunities.
How much do you earn in Primor?
Just as there are perfumes of all categories and prices, there are also there are different salary ranges. It all depends on the job title, responsibilities and experience.
In any case, the company’s average salary is 1,000 euros per month for basic positions. For a job without experience, it is a very good remuneration, and for this reason many decide to work at Primor.
Other relevant data regarding pay are:
Beginners earn about 💰 832 euros per month. Administrative workers earn between 💰 1,200 and 💰 1,500 euros per month. Part-time employees get between 💰 550 and 💰 600 euros at the end of the calendar.
As you can imagine, more important positions, such as managers or store managers, have a higher economic remuneration. Even so, the company does not provide specific information on such salaries.
Other data of interest
Currently, this perfume franchise has more than 150 stores distributed throughout the country. The main establishments are in Malaga and Madrid, but there are also important stores in Córdoba, Granada, Seville and Barcelona.
You will find the stores at street level, as well as in shopping centers, and all of these are good places to look for a job. However, keep in mind that the staff exceeds 2,300 employees, a fairly high number compared to the establishments that exist.
Therefore, you must put the maximum effort to stand out in the personnel selection process.
How to work in Primor?
This perfumery opens its doors not only to all its clients, but also to candidates who want to exercise their skills as professionals. Also, there are very good vacancies for college students, recent high school graduates either inexperienced youth.
If you are interested in the company, you will have the following methods at your disposal:👇
Go to one of their stores. Go to one of their establishments and see if there is a vacancy available. If so, take the opportunity to leave your curriculum vitae.
From their website. On its official site you will not only be able to find out about perfume offers, but also about opportunities to join the company. It is a simple procedure that will be ready in a matter of minutes.
Using Infojobs. The company also posts vacancies on this great job search portal. If you decide on this method, check out our tips for uploading your resume to Infojobs.
What jobs are there in Primor perfumeries?
In this type of company professionals are needed in all sectors , since each one contributes their grain of sand in the development of the company. Even so, the most common and demanded charges are the following:
Dependent. ATM. Seller. Warehouse waiter. Store Manager.
There are also much more technical positions, related to the development of your website, accounting, administration and management. Likewise, on some occasions vacancies are opened to work in laboratories or to participate in the pharmaceutical sector.
Requirements to work in Primor
Hold on tight to the seat of your computer, because you will be surprised with the list of requirements to apply to the company:
Were you scared? Surely you thought that you would have to meet many technical requirements to be a good candidate. But the reality is completely different, since a specific level of academic training is not even required.
Of course, the higher your education, the better chances you will have among the company. In the same way, although it is not mandatory, it is valued that you have experience, especially in the sales sector. In addition, it is a company that needs several chemical engineers, and if that is your profession, you will be very welcome.
A separate case are the more technical jobs, where it is essential to have a university degree, demonstrable experience and hard skills in the sector.
And what is the appropriate profile?
Don’t think that just being 18 will make you ready to join the company. It is true that there are not many precautions, but that does not mean that everyone can get a job. Actually, this company gives you more importance to your professional profile than to your career.
A formula with good ingredients so that your candidacy is ideal is the following:
Persuasion skills. Skills in sale and negotiation. Organization and order. Empathy and understanding. Friendly and cordial treatment. Knowledge of office software.
Come on, these are the soft skills that you must demonstrate for most jobs. They are attitudes and skills that not only make you a good person, but also a great worker.
How to send the resume to Primor
That being said, we come to the most important thing: how to send the resume to Primor . As we mentioned, you can use the Infojobs portal or go to one of its establishments. However, the easiest, fastest and most practical is to do it through its website.
You just have to apply these steps: 👇
Access the official Primor website. Go to the bottom of the page and locate the column Information. Click on the section Work with us. Copy the email address [email protected]
Send your resume from your email.
You see that it is something very simple, since you will not even have to fill out any form with data explained to the millimeter. Even so, it is important that you clarify the following points:
Place of residence. Store where you want to work. Professional and academic career. Contact information.
Finally, it is vital that the documents you attach do not exceed 2 Mb in size.
And how to make a good resume to get the position?
The resume is the essential document, so it is the one that you should pay the most attention to. You can have an excellent profile, but if you don’t highlight it well on your CV, it will probably go unnoticed.
Follow these tips to optimize your resume:👍
Choose a good format. If you are starting out in the world of work, choose a functional resume, since it focuses on your skills and abilities. On the other hand, if you already have a career, decide on the reverse chronological order.
keep it on a sheet. A single page is enough to narrate all the sections of your curriculum. Brevity and objectivity are essential for human resources.
place a good photo. Appearance plays a key role in working with the public, so show yourself smiling, dressed professionally, and with a stylish hairstyle.
Choose a custom template. Do not use the typical Word resumes or those that you can download for free online. If you want to stand out, take a look at our CV models, you will love them.
What are the benefits?
In Spain there are many perfumeries, as well as hundreds of places where you can look for your first job. But just as many decide on Primor thanks to its competitive prices, there are also those who see the advantages of exercising their skills in this company.
Among the most prominent are the following:👍
fixed salary. You will have a good salary from the first moment you step on the floor of his store. And those 1,000 euros for a beginner’s job are not bad at all.
Good working environment. The treatment among all the staff is friendly and quite pleasant. You are going to have a great time with all your colleagues and superiors.
simple jobs. Serving the customer and recommending products is quite easy. Plus, all the staff are trained, so you won’t be overworking or covering overtime.
you gain experience. Selling a perfume takes its technique, so you will be able to polish your negotiation skills to the maximum.
discounts. Buying that fragrance that you like so much for a more affordable price is always attractive.
Disadvantages you should consider
A perfume may be exquisite for you, but it may not be very pleasant for someone else. For tastes the smells (for this time), so before deciding to work in Primor, evaluate if the following aspects are decisive:
rotating jobs. Normally you do not hire long-term and it is likely that in some time you will have to look for another job.
Little chance of promotion. It relates to the above, although even if you stay for a long time, receiving a promotion is difficult.
Additional tips for your candidacy
You can have an elegant outfit and a spectacular look, but what will give you the distinctive touch is the perfume. In the same sense, if you want to maximize your candidacy, here are some additional guidelines to enrich your professional fragrance:👍
Learn about perfumes. It is true that you do not need experience, but familiarizing yourself a little with the terms of this trade will be of great help. So when you go to the interview you can present yourself as a better candidate.
Study the company. You can learn more about her on her website or by visiting one of her establishments. Recruiters like it when you spend time reviewing the company. This makes you look more committed to the job.
Use a cover letter. Although it is not a requirement, it is an appropriate document to delve into your profile. Take the opportunity to attach a cover letter when sending your curriculum vitae.
Prepare in advance. See our tips for a job interview. This way you will be clear about some basic concepts and you will be better able to answer the questions.
In summary…
You already have the formula and the list with all the ingredients to work in Primor. This company opens up very good possibilities for you, especially if you are just going to start in the world of work .
Remember the following:
You do not need experience or academic training. The salary is reasonably good. You just have to send your resume by email. The work environment is pleasant. There are not many requirements.
Finally, we want to advise you to look at our catalog of resume templates. So you can download a copy that suits your needs and highlights the most important thing about your profile.
Frequently Asked Questions about Primor
Before we go, we clarify all the details and answer certain questions that some candidates ask:
How is the selection process?
After sending your…