General objectives of Primary Education

The general objectives of Primary Education They are one of the key elements of the official curriculum of the stage. Sometimes, I have the feeling that, despite being so important, they are often forgotten, if not unknown. Today I dedicate this article to this aspect of the teaching process.

The general objectives of Primary Education point out the goals

As in any other circumstance, the general objectives of Primary Education are the goals that must be achieved throughout the teaching and learning process, throughout the six years that the stage lasts.

All the other elements, the contents, the Primary subjects… are a gear to achieve these objectives.


The general objectives of Primary Education have the following characteristics:

First of all, they are a prescriptive element of the curriculum, that is, it is a mandatory element of teaching that cannot be substantially modified. The modifications that can be made are along the lines of adapting them to the context, but a non-significant adaptation. They can be sequenced throughout the entire stage to have a reference of how they are acquired and developed. But none of the general objectives of Primary Education can be eliminated from the teaching and learning process.

Secondly, the objectives are aimed at the development of the key competencies, which I have already talked about in other articles. In this way, the 14 objectives contribute to developing all the key competencies at this stage.

Thirdly, they are objectives to be achieved throughout the entire stage. The faculty can make a kind of specification of these objectives in each course, to have references throughout the entire Primary.

Do you know the objectives?

The general objectives of Primary Education are defined by law, specifically in the Royal Decree that establishes the basic curriculum of Primary Education. In its article 7 it establishes:

Primary Education will contribute to developing in boys and girls the capacities that allow them to:

a) Know and appreciate the values ​​and norms of coexistence, learn to act in accordance with them, prepare for the active exercise of citizenship and respect human rights, as well as the pluralism typical of a democratic society.

b) Develop habits of individual and team work, effort and responsibility in studying, as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and entrepreneurial spirit.

c) Acquire skills for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, which allow them to function autonomously in the family and domestic sphere, as well as in the social groups with which they interact.

d) Know, understand and respect different cultures and differences between people, equal rights and opportunities for men and women and non-discrimination against people with disabilities.

e) Know and use appropriately the Spanish language and, if any, the co-official language of the Autonomous Community and develop reading habits.

f) Acquire in at least one foreign language the basic communicative competence that allows them to express and understand simple messages and function in everyday situations.

g) Develop basic mathematical skills and begin solving problems that require carrying out basic calculation operations, geometric knowledge and estimations, as well as being able to apply them to everyday life situations.

h) Know the fundamental aspects of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Geography, History and Culture.

i) Begin to use Information and Communication Technologies for learning, developing a critical spirit regarding the messages they receive and prepare.

j) Use different representations and artistic expressions and start building visual and audiovisual proposals.

k) Value hygiene and health, accept one’s own body and that of others, respect differences and use physical education and sports as means to promote personal and social development.

l) Know and value the animals closest to humans and adopt modes of behavior that favor their care.

m) Develop their affective capacities in all areas of personality and in their relationships with others, as well as an attitude opposed to violence, prejudices of any kind and sexist stereotypes.

n) Promote road safety education and respectful attitudes that affect the prevention of traffic accidents.

Some issues

When I read the general objectives of Primary Education I usually ask myself some questions that I now share with you.

1st. Do those of us who are involved in school education, professionals and families really know the objectives of this stage? Do we have them present?

2nd. Everything that is done, the subjects, teaching-learning processes, are they a more or less perfect gear to achieve these objectives?

3rd. Although they are something prescriptive that does not allow discussion, are they not too demanding for an institution like the school and for the ages for which they have been proposed?

From and also this section of Pedagogy, we aim to help children achieve, to the greatest extent possible, the general objectives of Primary Education.