The prolixity It is a great virtue thanks to which one can live in a certain way and be more effective in all our objectives, be they personal, work, spiritual, sentimental or others. Nowadays neatness is not widely taught to the youngest as it can be considered as a constructive habit that brings great benefits throughout life.
Being neat means being orderly, prudent and farsighted. People who are neat in their appearance attract more people who are also neat and orderly in their lives.
Be tidy With the physical appearance it means having hair always neat and trimmed, clean skin, a neat, reserved appearance and clean and well-kept clothing. It is about cultivating daily habits to show off a careful, sober and intelligent personal image. It is often said that Italians are very neat in their physical appearance and image. The neat person is detailed, he is careful in his life and most of the time he obtains very good results for his scrupulous behavior. Regarding their culture and way of life, it is said that the Japanese are very wordy.
Neat people try to be exact and careful, precise, thoughtful, careful in all aspects of life. Being neat is using all the senses to have order, control time and be careful in managing personal finances, in dealing with others in home life and at work.
All people prefer someone neat in their lives; at work, in a relationship, in a business, in a friendship. The opposite of neat is to be sloppy, disgusting, messy, unkempt, dirty, bohemian, confident, scruffy, sloppy, indolent, abandoned, wasteful, negligent, and neglected.
There are many ways to be long-winded, it doesn’t necessarily mean being boring, laconic, or short. The careful person is someone who plans instead of “jumping into the pool”, meditates, educates himself, duly informs himself and thinks before making any decision.
The neat person seeks with his actions the effectiveness, efficiency and good work before anything else. You can also be neat in some tasks and not in others or be neat in some areas of life and not in others. The prolixity It is a virtue and all good people try to be as neat as possible in all aspects of their lives.
To be neat it is necessary to cultivate habits, customs that lead us to develop this virtue as well as possible. It is said that neatness begins at home, with ourselves.
Neatness can be achieved starting with being organized in our own home, in the order of things, cleanliness and decoration. And you can also begin to cultivate neat habits in our personal image.
Examples of prolixity
Punctuality is synonymous with being respectful of our time, our word and the time of others. The punctual person is a neat person. People who are detailed to finish a job or a task are neat people. When cleaning a room, be careful and careful with all aspects of this task such as floors, walls, ceilings, cabinets, absolutely everything. And take the time to check if each part and each object in the room has been left truly clean. Marie Kondo is a Japanese specialist in ordering drawers and cabinets. She has created the Kondo method of organization. The Japanese is a guru of order and teaches to order the house. This is a drawer with clothes placed in a disorderly way and after having been ordered by Kondo. It is an example of prolixity.
Mowing the lawn in the garden periodically so as not to let the grass grow and allow animals such as rodents and snakes to lodge there, and to maintain a tidy appearance is an example of neatness.
Organizing the table so that the elements of each diner are in an orderly manner is an example of neatness. The cutlery ordered, according to the first, second course and dessert, the glasses for each drink, the plates for the starter and the second course, the coffee cup and the dessert plate.