Definition of Illegality

The term illegality is used to refer to any act or action that does not fall within the spectrum of the law, that is to say that it is a crime of some kind and that may, in some cases, represent a danger or harm to society.

To understand the concept of illegality, we must start from the idea that each society gives itself a set of regulations, laws and rules to comply with whose main objective is to order coexistence and allow all its citizens to live in the most harmonious as possible according to what for that society and that determined time is understood by harmony and coexistence. All societies to a greater or lesser extent present this characteristic basically because it is only through this type of rules, regulations and laws that the human race can survive and thus perpetuate.

However, in all societies there are flaws that allow some individuals to commit acts or actions that are considered illegal mainly to obtain some benefit or personal gain. These illegal actions are outside the spectrum of the law, which means that the person is not following a law or regulation that should be followed by everyone. In all societies there are methods to prevent this from happening, in some cases they are repressive methods and in others more tolerant, but in any case the aim is to prevent illegality from occurring.

The concept of illegality is very particular and even almost subjective since it depends on the notion of law or rule that each society and that each individual has. In this sense, the laws sometimes have gaps with respect to certain types of very sophisticated crimes that are difficult to prove, while they look carefully at minor crimes, such as some types of theft or robbery. Illegality is usually penalized with different types of sanctions that range from fines and bail to imprisonment for different types of years according to the crime or offense committed. In some societies, illegality can be punished with death or with different forms of physical violence that is justified as an exemplary punishment for the rest of the citizens.
