
What is change

The word change denotes the action or transition from an initial state to a different one, depending on whether it refers to an individual, object or situation. It can also refer to the action of substituting or replacing something.

Change is a term that derives from the verb to change, which in turn arose from Latin cambiumwhich means “action or effect of changing.”

Some synonyms that can be associated with the word change are: replacement, exchange, exchange, barter, moving, transformation, variation, modification, coins, among others.

Uses of the word change

The word change can be used in various areas of study or development of the human being because it indicates a transition or change.

For example, it can refer to the change of marital status of people, change of speed of a car, change of matter or substance in physics, monetary exchange or barter for payment of a service or item, among others. .

The word change is also used in various expressions in order to indicate the change of something or someone.

For example, “In the first moments of change He got upset and did not participate in the play”, “She went to the beach and I, insteadI stayed at home”, “I had to do my homework on Friday In return “to spend the weekend at my grandmother’s house.”

Currency exchange

Currency exchange refers to the financial transaction that translates the equivalence of one currency or currency of one country to another currency or currency corresponding to another country.

For example, when you travel to a country whose currency is different from yours, you will have to change your currency to that of the place you are traveling in order to cover and pay expenses.

Exchange rate

Exchange rate is understood as the equivalence of a currency or currency of one country with respect to the currency or currency of another country.

For example, the exchange rate of the Mexican peso with respect to the US dollar is x number, which can vary constantly depending on the currency market and a set of economic and political factors.

On the other hand, reference can also be made to what a Change Agent is, which is the work carried out by a person in order to make investments under their responsibility and, in turn, provide advice in this regard.

Social change

Social change refers to any type of cultural, political, institutional or economic transformation that affects the relationship of people in various social aspects.

The term social change is usually used to refer to the need for change in a social structure, which may imply a change in values, hierarchies or laws, among others.

In sociology, these phenomena are generally analyzed and studied when strong changes in social processes, interactions and organizations occur.

See also Resistance to change.

Climate change

Climate change or anthropogenic climate change is called the modifications and alterations that occur in the climate worldwide, such as high temperatures, droughts, floods, hurricanes, among others, which can occur for natural reasons or be caused by activities. of man that generate a significant percentage of environmental pollution.

However, this concept has been used for some years to refer to changes due to exclusively human causes. Climate change encompasses several phenomena, and among the most popular are:

Global warming: term used to indicate the gradual increase in atmospheric and oceanic temperatures on Earth. It is believed that one of its main causes is the greenhouse effect caused by human activity.

Greenhouse effect: natural phenomenon of gas absorption in the atmosphere, and which is now collapsed due to the excess emission of carbon gases.