Castrati definition

the one of castrati or castrato is a term that refers to those singers who, when they were children and demonstrated qualities for singing, were subjected to testicular castration in order to preserve their high pitched voice, typical of the soprano.

We must say that in the period Baroquewhich is when these singers acquired the most popularity and recognition, they were certain singing stars, as it happens and at the level of a Madonna or a Paul McCartney today…

Of course, this virulent practice, not very pedagogical and traumatic, does not exist in these times, however, we must emphasize that it was very common a few centuries ago, which even led to the creation of a word to name these singers who had suffered such reprehensible practice.

Around the year 400 AD, in the Eastern Roman Empire This particular action was imposed, remaining active until at least the first years of the 13th century. Then it came back strongly in the 17th century, but we must say that it did not prosper beyond the 19th century.

Basically, what was done was to destroy the testicular tissue in that boy without cutting off his penis. In this way it is guaranteed that this child would retain for life that flow of acute interpretation similar to that of a woman.

As one can imagine such an intervention was certainly painful for the patient and so those who practiced it used to give the patients some drugs or give them opium so that the pain would be much less and they could bear it.

We must also add that once the ablation occurred, the child was subjected to rigorous training plans to get and maintain that high-pitched voice.

As, of course, it was not a permitted surgical intervention, it was normally shielded under alleged accidents or health problems to carry it out.

It should be noted that in Spain they were called capon.

Carlo Broschi, better known as Farinelli He was one of the most popular castrati in history, with enormous influence and action during the 18th century. A member of Italian nobility, Farinelli made a fantastic career in his homeland first and then his fame spread throughout Europe.
