Caravan Definition

The word caravan It has several uses, depending on the context in which it is used.

One of the most widespread uses tells us that a caravan is that trailer-type vehicle, closed and that inside it is conditioned just like a house, that is, it has typical house furniture: kitchen, bathroom, bed, among others. Normally, this vehicle is used for travel, using a car as a traction element to achieve its displacement.

On her side, the mobile homealso known as motorhomeis a motor vehicle that has an engine and is usually used in film productions for the actors to prepare: they are made up, they get dressed, they review the script, among other actions.

The caravan appeared around the forties of the last century as a result of the surfers’ need to transport themselves with comfort and space but at a low cost, then, over time and thanks to the advantages it offers, its use spread to other activities.

In addition, with the passing of time, the caravans were gaining in sophistication, that is, the first ones only had a bed and kitchen, while today, especially those of high range, have a large number of amenities and comfort itemsof course, make the stay more pleasant.

Most of the caravans today have three well-differentiated places: the kitchen and bathroom, a living room and a bedroom with a double bed.

The other use of the term is to refer to the group or entourage of people circulating in vehicles or walking, one behind the other. Normally, when the physical disappearance of an influential and important person takes place, caravans made up of his followers usually develop to give him their final greeting.

On the other hand, the word caravan is used to refer to a group of herbivorous animals that move behind each other.

And also at the request of vehicular traffic, a caravan will be called a row or set of rows of cars that due to some difficulty that occurs on the road, an accident or a road block, move very slowly or with very frequent stops.